The Lovac Brothers

t-t-t-t-t-t-t… hips

Yes, that line is Beatles inspired (compare ‘Girl’ off the Rubber Soul LP)
This is one of the songs that my dad wrote years ago in another context and which we re-recorded for the first Chi Might. So we need to talk about the Lovac brothers (

I first met Adam at my new school, when he was 10 and I was 9. He was a natural singer, already at that age. He also played the guitar and he took the main parts at all school performances, so it was obvious that my dad would invite him in his studio sooner or later.
Adam actually fronted a band of brothers, his younger brother Abel on bass being my age, his older brother Aaron on drums. We finally invited all three of them, they were 11, 12 and 13 then. My dad was really impressed with them, especially with Adam’s vocals and with the drumming of Aaron. Abel had just picked up the bass then but he improved fast.

To cut a long story short: My dad recorded a Cover album with the young band, so they had a demo to get gigs, he also used their talents for his educational music projects and he even wrote a complete album for the boys (‘Teenage Queen’), which they recorded one year later (at 12, 13 and 14 y/o). This song is taken off that album, you can listen for free.

Whilst recording their album (back in 2010), my dad helped them to get signed by Sony Music, which was the end of common recordings due to contractual restriction. This is the biggest single hit the Lovac’s had with Sony Music:

However, years later, I did a jam session down in our basement with Adam and Abel and I was pretty nervous to stand in for Aaron, who used to be a bit of my first drum hero in childhood days. You can find the Jam on YouTube

This time Abel took the Lead vocals. He also played bass on 2 more collaborations.