Hells Bells; AC/DC (drum cover)

Hells Bells; AC/DC (drum cover)


  1. WOW ! I’m new to following music. I recently turned 50 and found myself bored. Feeling old. Finding myself listening to constant news cycles & just feeling down. After watching “The Dirt”. Inspired by Drummer Tommy Lee. I suddenly found myself feeling happier and following music again and stumbled into this online world of music. Ordinary people having fun, making music. I’m inspired by so many but Sina Drums has especially inspired because of her aga. Talent ! I have also watched her video where she addresses income, passing on education to follow her passion ! I cant give much & encourage others to follow her YouTube page. Most proceeds only pays for her gear & copyrighted music. EVERYONE WHO’S INSPIRED BY THIS YOUNG ARTIST WHOM OBVIOUSLY HAS PASSION. PLEASE CHECK OUT HER LINK ON YouTube WHERE PROCEEDS CAN GO DIRECTLY TO HER FROM US WHO CANT GET ENOUGH OF HER COVERS SONGS OR OTHER MUSIC RELATED VIDEOS. THIS WORK MUST BE HARD.

    Love & Respect. Best wishes Sina !!! You Rock & have awoken my musical soul again

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