Sina Drums Legacy

Please note: This has been the home for Sina-Drums between 2014 and 2024. The page won’t be updated anymore.

Here you find my brand new website, launched in October 2024:

If you are interested in my previous work, like my Original Chi Might Project and Cover Collaborations that I was involved in, this is the place to look around.

In this interview for the German STICKS magazine  (September 2019) I cover some questions around my YouTube Channel.

The Chi Might Project – what’s the point?

Today it’s all about DJs, Loops, Producers, Loops, Sequencers, Loops, Sampling & Loops. Did I mention Loops? I don’t like this development at all, I’m so fed up with all those ‘copy & paste’ productions, but what can we do about it..?

Back in June 2015, we started collaborating with many different artists from all over the world in order to create some real music, played by actual musicians on actual instruments. The result of those international collaborations was The Chi Might Project. The first Chi Might Album was launched in 2016 and now, Chi Might II followed 2 years later, another 2 years later we launched Chi Might III.

What else?

I try to find a good balance between creating Original Music and covering Classic Songs & Artists we all love so much. If you like my work and consider supporting me, you can check out my web store or my ‘PayPal-Me’ page. If you want to take it to the next level you might wanna sign up to my Patreon page (right column of this page if you are on a PC)

Thanks again for reaching out!!


  1. Sina,

    Have you asked me what your name means?

    The “Hebrew” words SI & NA would be “excellency” & “raw” (I have read), also “now” (with NA). Sounds like the physical attribute of the beauty of women. The Greek words SEIO & NAI would be “shake, move, quake” & “yes, truth” (& this might be “wave truth” & “wave yes”). Energy truth, wave existing, & wave reality would be beauty I see in you. Your hair, your joy with heart, light with smile, and your move.

    Tobin Michael Alland

    1. Oh wow, I didn’t know that! Apart from Si = Chi = Energy, that’s where the album title comes from. Thanks Tobin!

        1. April 3, 2017 at 4:17 am
          love your drums. could you please play “get ready” by rare earth
          I agree I will like to hear this song with Sina on drums…

        2. Sina,
          Love your drumming! I am an ex-drummer and would love to hear songs from 38special. I want to wish you the best drumming and goodwill to all.

          1. I see your performances on YouTube and love them.
            Right now I’m listening to YouTube/Journey “Are you feelin” without S. Perry or the Phillapeno guy on lead vocals. Pretty good.

          1. I think use are great, your parents should be proud of your great talents. Since I first saw your video now I am hooked. God bless you and you friends AMAZING TALENT.

      1. Hi sunshine, I made an order from your website, can you tell me if its been ship out as of it. I purchase your album and your USB flash drive. Keep up the good work.

      2. I know it now. I will support you soon. I have never seen a Woman play the drums as well as you until now. I have drummer male friends and they are also awed by your skills. Don’t stop doing what you do !

        1. Sina what brand of drums do you use..van Halen 3 w.toms and 2 floor and in dire straits only 2 e. Tom’s what brand can send a descriptive of the sets.. You are on yell of a,drummer..very beautiful. German. Wow 5 more years … amazing

      3. I would love to see you do a cover of the song Roundabout by the American band Yes. Think you would like to give it a try?

        1. Hi I would love for you to cover Easy Money by King Crimson or Red or even Great Deceiver . Im praying you are not familiar with these so I can say I turned you on to them but im certain are familiar. Any way I can tell you enjoy a challenge so please go for it. Thanks for all you’ve done already!

    2. Love your drumming. Have you ever considered starting your own band or joining up with a group you would love to play with.

      Love Gregor ( I am 72 years old but love most music and good drummers!)

      1. Thanks a lot Gregor!

        Yes, I would like to be in a band but I need to wait until I’m 18 and have a driver license. Not many Rock musicians in my village 🙂

        Best Wishes!

        1. Do you want to employ me as your driver as i am a drummer i could be your roadie or bodyguard? Do you consider going to see what it is like in Hamburg as it was once a great city for music especially for English bands and musicians? Do you know Triumvirat “Spartacus” a german prog band from Cologne (Köln)? There some nice drumming on there.

          1. That will come twice and i was only trying to kid you as i saw one of your video where you talk about the amount of people who really donate, where you seem to be eulenspiegel and i am to. The proposition to be driver, roadie or bodyguard, don’t mind.

        2. bravo Sina je vient de découvrir vos prestation c’est un régal de de vous voir jouer de la batterie vue votre jeune age respect continuer

        3. Hi sina I’m the guy who asked u to play incomudro hymn to the atman. I downloaded the telegram app but alas I am very social media challenged. I will get my friend to help me to do that, keep up the great drumming!

      2. Sina you are truly an exceptionally talented and beautiful young lady. All of the covers I have seen
        are wonderfully performed with great precision and energy. One thing I have noticed is that you seem to take your talent and energy to an even higher level when you play barefooted. You seem more relaxed and comfortable yet your energy goes up to a higher level than when you were shoes.
        Hope will do more of your upcoming work in your bare feet. All the best and wishing you great success in the future. Will continue to follow you in the days ahead. Take care and God bless you.

        1. Would you play “Don’t be afraid” by Boston. B. Drop is no longer with us, but his music still is.
          Another good song of his is “Something about you “. Great songs!

    3. Hi Sina, I don’t know how to comment on the YouTube channel or here lol but I’m thinking Spinal Tap as your favorite movie… I am John Parsons

    4. Salut ici le sud de la france a coté de Toulouse ! j ai 49 ans et je suis aussi musicien . Je joue du synthé Yamaha Motif XF7 . Je suis tombé par hasard sur tes vidéos et j aime bien . Sur youtube je regarde aussi les musiciens qui joue dans les rues etc etc .. Bisous de Phil d Albi

    5. Sina, I’m in my car taking a break listening to
      “Dance the night away “ by Van Halen. Would
      you do that one and “Caught up in you “ by 38 special. Thanks!

    6. Sina, I think you are very talented. Would you do “She came in through the bathroom window “ and “In my life “ by the Beatles? Very good songs. Thanks from Denton,Texas
      For someone your age to be able to play rock I find astounding. Bands from that time only wished to find drumming ability like you possess. Keep up the good work.
      Right now I’m listening to “Party “ by Boston

    7. Sina, you’re a very talented/musically. The last song I listened to was “crying “ by Aerosmith. I listen to you play songs made when you weren’t even born. I sure am impressed! Would you do the song “Reflections of my Life “ by The Marmalade “?

    8. I’d like to hear you cover waking lions by Pop evil. I don’t know if you are familiar with Hailey Kramer but she is an excellent female drummer.

    9. A couple months back I had a dream in which Paul McCartny was showing me a song he was writting in G major, modulating to E. He was struggling, when John Lennon came in, sat down at the piano and said , hey, I got it. At which point he started playing O blah Dee bla dah.  Paul said no no the cords are…

      GG A B’ A (G’s next to each other are half notes, the ‘ indicates sharp)

      Then Paul sang the first two verses to a 40’s style jazz beat. 

      I woke up remembering those lyrics, four chords, and key of G major, modulating to E.

      And the first lines of lyrics were…  

      Who dreams those dreams about you?

      who wants so badly just to be near you?

      O could it be me?

      could it be me?

      Ya me me me.

      Who walks and talks so gracefully?

      greets the day so, faithfully?

      O could it be you? 

      could it be you?

      O you you you.


      I would live and die for you,

      give it all a try for you.

      And I really wish for you to see,

      just how you really set me free.

      Ya me me me.

      There’s a light in the air around you; 

      so warm and soft, and yes it’s shiny too.

      Those puppy-dog eyes that keep your soul just right.

      I can see them smiling as I fall asleep at night.

      O ya that’s you.

      These dreams of you make me stand up straight,

      they make me happy and they keep me up too late.

      And forever is short on time needed to express,

      dreams of you which I posess and that I lovingly caress.

      That’s me me me.

      But you cannot know me, as I have not found you yet.

      But I know you’re out there and I’d make that bet.

      Yes I know you’re there and yes our paths will meet.

      You are there and I’ll be waiting TI’ll the waiting is complete.

      That’s me me me.

      That’s you you you.

      That’s you and me.

      That’s me and you.

      It will be a lovely day and I hope it’s coming soon.

      Beacuse I am old and tired and have my fill of lonely.

      That’s me me me, just me, and I’m just dreaming. 

      I’m still dreaming all about it all, and its all about you you you.

      That’s me O me.

      So I’ll keep dancing in the streets and my heart will keep the beat.

      My brain will send that rythm right straight down into my feet.

      And I will dance my meloncolly thoughts away.

      As I’m sure our paths will cross in dreams one fine and lovely day.

      That dream is you.

    10. Hello Sina,
      I am 59 years old and it’s really amazing and wonderful to hear you, probably in the early twenties, having exactly the same taste of music, playing the same songs ( but me only in my head 😉
      Have you ever heard Can, Halleluwah or Mother Sky for instance?
      Many thanks for your songs of joy!

    11. Hi. Im the guy who has, the 9 yr old daughter that adores you. I used to play drums for 10 yrs in a band. Well she must get it from me. She and i will sit for an hr or 2 checking you out. Abd she tries to copy you. I tell her it takes time. She studies every move you make. So im glad you have camera shots of you feet on tge pedals too. Just wanted to say for her and let you know you have at least one HUGE fan. By the way shw has red hair too. And flings like you. Thanks for what you do and like she would say. YOU ROCK GIRL.

  2. Hello Sina. I’m going to comment here, because I avoid commenting on social media, and because I think the likelihood of you seeing this note is much higher here on your own website.
    This is about your work. I stumbled upon a clip of yours on YouTube when I was researching some Ventures tracks, and was hooked in 30 seconds. You are so amazing that I spent the whole afternoon looking at your videos – aww heck, work will just have to wait! 🙂
    I just want to say that you are really one VERY talented woman! I really mean that! Your folks must be so proud!
    I’ve lived and worked in Las Vegas, USA for almost 20 years, so you can guess that I’ve seen quite a lot of talented drummers here, week after week. A lot of the biggest names tour here. When compared to that, you can believe that should you ever decide to go professional, you will be a huge success, in my opinion. However, no matter what you do with your life, you have the right stuff to win at it, whatever it may be. That is very clear.
    One vid that impressed me the most where you do Diamonds switching 10 different drummer styles on the fly. Whaaat!? That is so mentally hard to do, and you were so smooth in the transitions! We’re talking superpowers here!
    There’s nothing left to say, but that you are a simply amazing and unique talent. I feel so lucky to have found you.
    If you ever come to the US and tour in Las Vegas or California, my wife and I will be in the front row, or maybe I’ll be working the venue even. Who knows?
    Now Sina, I know that this isn’t a a request page, but we would love to see you do some Mick Fleetwood, and especially some INXS – Jon Ferriss is my all-time favorite drummer (and is in the style you like). So strong and precise at the same time, and with such unstated feeling. Wow.
    Here’s something you might find amusing… If you can get a video copy of INXS -Live Baby Live-, specifically their concert at Wimbley stadium, look at the 4th song in, -it’s called “Stairs”. About a minute+ in, Jon breaks a stick, tosses it and grabs another one, and keeps on, all without missing a beat! Ya gotta love that. In fact, I challenge you to not fall in love with Jon Farris’s drumming after seeing that Wimbley Live Baby Live concert! In fact, I think I’m going to send a note to him and advise him to check you out.
    So, you keep on playin’ and I’ll keep watchin’ and jammin along from here.
    All the best!

    1. I could not agree with you more Joe. I’m a former professional drummer and this girl is really good. Very classy, great stage presence and just a down right stone bone FOX!!!! I too preferred to ride the bass drum barefoot. I would like to see her tackle some progressive Rock, some Jethro Tull, Yes or even better, Return to Forever, AL diMeola. Sinatra could even provide dance video’so along with her drumming. If you can play drums, you can dance, very good. Keep On Truckin Sina!

        1. HI Sina, Jim here. Have watched several of your videos on YouTube. I am more then impressed. To practically keep up beat for beat with the best drummers ever is truly amazing. And to make it look so simple while having fun puts you in a class all by yourself. I can see one day future drummers doing covers of your music as you to become the best of the best. Kept up the good work.

      1. Sina, I’m a regular viewer of yours on YouTube (you’re very talented)
        Would you do “Right now “ by Van Halen and “Wild angels” by Pretty Boy Floyd.
        People will have to pay to hear you one day. Good job!! From Denton, Texas Thanks

  3. Your range of music is not typical of youth today (a big plus in my eyes), but I was wondering who your favorite band is.

    1. Oh, that’s hard to tell as I like so many different bands. On top there are Extreme, Toto, Van Halen, Supertramp, Boston, Queen, of course and a LOT more. Did I forget the Beatles? Oh Dear! The list could go on forever. I love Michael Jackson, Motown sound, and… and…

      1. You are something to see Sina. Since I found you while just jumping around sites looking at different drummers I’ve pretty much stopped looking and am just impressed wiuth the natural talent you have. My one request would be if you could do a cover of Queens “keep yourself alive”. That was the first Queen song I ever heard and have liked them since. Watching you play is a treat since everything you play I listened to during my teen years. I’m 60 now. God that makes me old!!! Keep on rockin girl.

      2. Sina,

        You are 14-15 years old girl and you are very very talented . I love to watch you play on youtub, but I just wonder how do you know ALL these ’80 Classic Rocks music? You were not even born yet, it was way way before your time? Again you are an AWESOME drummer for a 14-15 years old girl.

        Hai Hinh

      3. Sina, would you play “a man I’ll never be “ by Boston. I earlier posted the lead man’s name wrong , I meant B. Delp, sorry. Keep up the VERY talented drumming, thanks! from Denton,Tx

    1. Hi dave again here. OH MY GOD its the end of the world. Im the one with the 9 yr old daughter again. After i sent she asked “dad did you ask about a joan jett song?” OOPS. So joan jett is god to her. And we havent seen you do any of her songs so i was supposed to ask. Again OOOPS. So could you tell if you have. That would really excite her. She tries and does a pretty good job. So again thanks. And before i forget this. She has a twin brother who plays guitar. Hes infatuated with you too. And plans to date you some day. Hes like his dad too. Ok again thank and YOU ROCK GIRL.

  4. Just listened to your “Hotel California!”
    It was flawless.
    What a great tribute to Don Henley and the Eagles. Glenn Frey RIP!
    I know from reading on your website that you want to do more original material, and it’s very cool, but it’s great to hear you continue to do a really great cover from time to time.
    Nicely done Sina!!!

  5. Like some above, I was mesmerized by your talent, and passion……I’ve come across another artist (plays guitar), similar passion and talent. See if you think that if might me worth a virtual collaboration. I say that because I’d love to hear it………..her (old) you tube handle was Iowa91 (she has a new one, I just forget).

    I’ll look out for it, if you go for it………thanks, and keep up the superb work………

    1. Hey Bryan, appreciated a lot! This girl is Laura Cox. She is very famous by now. Very difficult to get in contact with those kind of YouTube stars. Never ever got an answer on any request from any famous person on YouTube 🙂

      1. Agreed, Sina. Laura Cox is pretty awesome. Would be cool if she reached out to you. There are more than a few talented woman who are making their fame on You Tube. In what seems a predominant “male musician” world, kick-ass woman drummers tend to stand out (sorry Dave A.). So, collaborating with other You Tubers seems such a great way to get noticed. Hell, look at what happened to Justin Bieber – HAHA.
        (OK…I just threw up a little bit just then…sorry)

          1. “Never ever got an answer on any request from any famous person on YouTube ”

            Well, Sina, that’s their loss, not yours. You’re awesome, and for someone so young at that.
            Ich wünsche dir alles Gute.

  6. Cool!! What incredible timing! It’s almost my birthday and my “chi Might” CD that my wife ordered for me just arrived this morning! That was fast delivery and it got here in perfect condition, even with a trip all the way to the US. Thank you so much, Sina. We love it. We’ve had it playing twice through already. It’s like a cool breeze on a hot summer day. Ahhhh.
    We’ve been dancing all around the house! 😉

    Thank you for the note too! That’s lovely.
    And being a collaboration with all those other talented artists, it’s like getting 10 CDs in one! Props to all of them too! We think they’re all really good.

    Actually, I’m going to go back to your site to order the USB drive version next payday, bc I want all the secret videos and outtakes too. Also because I want to picture frame this CD and the booklet for my wall – just so that in 10 years people can see how smart I was to have discovered you way back in 2016! 🙂
    Thanks again Sina. You got us up on our feet, and made us both feel great today!!
    Best wishes from Las Vegas, USA.

  7. Sina,
    In my spare time I was a music director for a Civil War Fife and Drum Corps and taught a lot of young guys the fife and snare drum. One of my sons now works for Disney as a Visual Effects Imagineer and he plays the trap set. You would be a great inspiration for him. He is 28 and lives in Los Angeles. What a great talent you have. I like your rendition of “Whole Lotta Rosie.” I’ll send him a link to your site. Keep up the good work. How about some Beatles “Back Beat!”

    Best regards,
    Pete Holman

    1. Hi Pete,

      thanks a lot for your nice and encouraging message. My dad has been involved with various Beatles Tribute Shows since 1999, so there has to be some kind of Beatles Tribute from my side one day but I did not find the right way to approach it yet. It needs to be something special 🙂

      However, my dad and I helped these girls to record a version of HereComesTheSun:

      Best Wishes!

      1. Sina,

        Some project suggestions. Led Zeppelin,”Rock and Roll,” very fast but you can do it no problem and the Beatles “Just Standing there.” Maybe a three song Beatles mix and segway from one song to the next. Another old song by Sniff N’ the Tears, “Driver”.

        Best regards
        Pete Holman

    1. Even though the lyrics are about as raunchy as can be, it is a fantastic rock classic with great drum and guitar work… Your fans out here would love to see how it’s done, along with your improvisations which are pretty cool.

  8. Hi Sina- I enjoy all of your video’s. Some I watch over and over. I am fascinated by your talent and love for the classics of the 60’s, 70’s & 80’s. I know you probably receive thousands of request to do songs and I know you can’t honor all of the request. I really like the ‘Girls Got Groove’ voting for your favorite song. You being an great drummer I would like to request to you to listen to Linda Ronstadt’s version of an old Warren Zevon song, ‘Poor Poor Pitful me.’ He did it in 1976 and Linda’s version was 1978. There is some awesome drumming on her version. When I listen to the song I can imagine you playing. Please keep doing what you’re doing. I enjoy it. :):)

    1. Hi Jimmy, thanks a lot for your message and request. I gonna check it out. I need to rely on drumless track and they are not available for every track. Will do my best but my list is very long 🙂

  9. Hi Sina, I’m becoming addicted to your drum covers. I heard Patty Smyth of Scandal singing ‘Warrior’ yesterday and automatically my mind went to you on the drums. You were awesome. :):)

  10. Hi Sina,
    My name is Dave and I am a 55 year old drummer. I know that may sound dull and boring to you, but please remember that laughter is always good for the soul. 🙂 I just wanted to say that I first noticed your drum cover videos while searching around on YouTube, and I was so amazed by your gifted skills and musical talent that I stayed up late beyond bedtime with a big batch of popcorn just so I could watch nearly all of your videos on your YouTube channel. I really enjoyed watching you play each drum cover, especially the cover to Wipe Out by the Surfaris. Was that your dad playing along with you on guitar? If so, please tell him that he is an excellent guitar player, and that I enjoyed watching him play as well. While watching each of your YouTube videos, I kept thinking : “Now there’s a very talented and gifted young lady and musician with a bright future ahead of her”. However, I was bit discouraged when I saw that you were covering some classic rock songs that contain some pretty nasty and distasteful lyrics. Please don’t take offense to this comment. I just think that your musical skills, talent and presence would be better portrayed in good taste if you covered more songs from the “cleaner” rock & roll bands like Chicago, Heart, Rush … and many more. Keep up the great work and God Bless You.

    1. Hi Dave, thanks so much for your nice message and thanks for taking the time to check out so many of my videos! You are right on Wipe Out, that’s my dad. He played most guitar & bass parts on my original songs and he encourages me to look out for new challenges. Regarding the lyrics of my covers – as a non-native English speaker I do not pay much attention to the lyrics (I have to confess) Which songs do you consider unsuitable? Metallica? I never thought about it, really. Hopefully the next ones are less nasty!


      1. Hi Sina,
        Sorry for this late reply. Maybe it is just me, but I tend to steer away from any classic rock songs that contain lyrics that are vulgar, satanic, inconsiderate and disrespectful, etc., even though they can be fun and challenging to cover. One classic example would be “Runnin’ With The ( Devil ) ” by Van Halen. I can see how it would be tricky for you to recognize some of the distasteful lyrics from being a non-native English speaker. Heavy metal bands are sometimes notorious for writing songs with distasteful or unsuitable lyrics, but I also respect the fact that you can’t always easily recognize the good lyrics from the bad ones. Keep up the excellent progress, Sina.

        1. Maybe your mom or dad could help you pick out cover songs that have meaningful and spirited lyrics?

          Old Days by Chicago. I think you would enjoy the time changes and the free spiritedness of that song.


    2. Do you want to employ me as your driver as i am a drummer i could be your roadie or bodyguard? Do you consider going to see what it is like in Hamburg as it was once a great city for music especially for English bands and musicians? Do you know Triumvirat “Spartacus” a german prog band from Cologne (Köln)? There some nice drumming on there.

    3. That is what rock&roll is all about, especially the rebels ones. Nasty lyrics, but perhaps in going to somes more sophisticated Prog or jazz groups you won’t have to deal with it. Their lyrics are more cosmic and surreal. Or you could do something down to life like the Carpenters “Karen was a drummer and a wonderful singer” Though it is melancolic, this is what arts are all about emotions.

  11. I know you rock the house you know you rock the house go go on your already ibd buy the first ticket to hit Jacksonville Florida you have such an amazing passion for every instrument you play that’s a rare and special gift Sina got to say the ukulele video blew me away you actually still hot water out after the song that’s just .. Amazing skills

    1. Oh thanks! I think I’m going to release the Ukulele video on my YouTube, too. Drums only get a bit boring after a while!

  12. Im glad to see someone from the younger generation realizing good music compared to all the garbage tech stuff thats out there today. My entire family history involves musicians all the way back to the early sixties,including my 19 year old son who is the last in our bloodline. He has taught himself Guitar,Drums,Piano and now recently Bass Guitar and recently joined a band. I cant wait to show him your stuff when he gets home from classes today.He will be thrilled!

  13. Hi Sina,
    many have already spoken of your great talent and I can not do anything but confirm.
    But I want also to add your own great naturalness and simplicity in playing a difficult instrument like drums. The drums in your hands, it is as if ithey had a soul.
    I’m astonished!
    You’re a monstre of cleverness.
    A warm hug from Venice (Venice) Italy.

  14. Hi Sina,
    many have already spoken of your great talent and I can not do anything but confirm.
    But I want also to add your own great naturalness and simplicity in playing a difficult instrument like drums. The drums in your hands, it is as if ithey had a soul.
    I’m astonished!
    You’re a monstre of cleverness.
    A warm hug from Venice (Venice) Italy.

      1. Ciao Sina, scrivo dall’Italia, vicino Roma e spero ti riesca di leggere i miei più sinceri complimenti e gli auguri per una splendida carriera dietro quella batteria che suoni mirabilmente. Ho quasi sessant’anni, adoro la batteria da quando ero bambino, ma non sono mai riuscito a suonarla ed è il rimpianto più grande della mia vita. Ora passo il mio tempo nell’ascoltare e vedere batteristi di tutto il mondo. Tu stai occupandone gran parte dello spazio. Ho sempre ascoltato Deep Purple, Led Zeppelin, E.L&P, e tanti altri in Italia amo particolarmente la P.F.M. e sarei felicissimo se mi faresti una cover di “Celebration” (È Festa). Ti ringrazio se vuoi concedermi il privilegio di leggere questo scritto e ti saluto cordialmente. Pierluigi Conciatori.

  15. Ciao Sina, scrivo dall’Italia, vicino Roma e spero ti riesca di leggere i miei più sinceri complimenti e gli auguri per una splendida carriera dietro quella batteria che suoni mirabilmente. Ho quasi sessant’anni, adoro la batteria da quando ero bambino, ma non sono mai riuscito a suonarla ed è il rimpianto più grande della mia vita. Ora passo il mio tempo nell’ascoltare e vedere batteristi di tutto il mondo. Tu stai occupandone gran parte dello spazio. Ho sempre ascoltato Deep Purple, Led Zeppelin, E.L&P, e tanti altri in Italia amo particolarmente la P.F.M. e sarei felicissimo se mi faresti una cover di “Celebration” (È Festa). Ti ringrazio se vuoi concedermi il privilegio di leggere questo scritto e ti saluto cordialmente. Pierluigi Conciatori.

  16. Hi Sina,
    I recently read where one of your fans sent you a T-shirt all the way to Germany from the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame located in Cleveland, Ohio. I was just there for the first time last Thirsday, and what a great experience. I was there for nearly five hours and absolutely enjoyed every minute, even though there was still more to see before closing time. The whole experience made me feel that every musician who enjoys classic rock should go there at least once, because it is definitely a one of a kind lifetime experience. The original Ludwig
    drum set that Ringo Starr played on with The Beatles from 1964 – 1968 is on display there, along with many other historic and genuine instruments, clothing, etc. that The
    Beatles used during their early years of performing. No imitation stuff on display. Everything you see there is the real thing. I think you and your family would really enjoy the experience.

    The gift shop ships to the U.S. and Canada only, but you can get somewhat of an idea what the whole place is like just by looking at the items for sale in the gift shop.

    PS: Maybe you could hint to your mom or dad that you would like to travel there for your next birthday. Just a thought.

    Take good care!

  17. Hi Sina: Believe me if you ever do come to the US to play drums in concert I’m gonna try to buy the first ticket. I would love to see you play live. :):)

  18. Hey Sina. Greetings from Melbourne, Australia! I post as “TamaSonor” on Youtube and came across your videos a few weeks back whilst searching drum covers. I listened to your first album Chi Might via LOUDR a few times and did not expect to like it as much as I did, so decided a purchase was definitely in order and just bought the digital version. While it’s an incredibly eclectic mix, as collaborations of this sort are bound to be, I think you have assembled some great talent and there are some real gems in the collection. Most importantly, hearing you play outside the constraints of drum covers shows what a true talent you are and how adaptable you are to different styles, which are the hallmarks of a serious musician and in many ways, so much more important than the technical side of playing. So I predict big things for you. Please don’t be discouraged by comparative lower views of your original music versus your drum covers. Original music is always going to be slower to catch on. I’m sure with the support of your dad (who I see is a musician of note) and I’m guessing the many musicians in your life, you have a great support network who will help guide you on your musical journal. And I really look forward to seeing where this takes you! All the best!!

    1. Hi Andrew, thanks so much for your lovely message and greetings back down under! You are perfectly right with every aspect you mention. I am aware that covers will always be more popular than original songs by unknown musicians. But the more I’m aware of it the happier I am to hear that someone likes my originals, too. Now that I’m in the middle of a new drum cover series I really enjoy to look into all those different styles. I’m sure it will be good for my drumming. It can’t be wrong to learn from the best 🙂

      Thanks again

      1. Definitely Sina. To survive in music we have to give people what they want which in most cases means playing covers. Absolutely nothing wrong with that and it brings people a lot of joy. And you’re right, apart from being damn fun to play, there’s much to learn in playing them. And you always do such a fine job with them. I picked Bohemian Rhapsody and Light My Fire in the poll. Love Densmore’s sometimes latin inspired playing 🙂



  19. Hi Sina,
    I was wondering if you could give a description of your drum set piece by piece? I don’t recognize the brand, so I assume that perhaps it is German and was custom made just for you, yes? I am also interested in the Hi-Hat stand that you use with your set. I noticed that the pedal is a DW Iron Cobra, but is the stand also made by DW?



    1. Hi Dave,

      I’m not so much into gear and technical aspects but we already thought about having my dad make a little video explaining the gear and hardware and also microphones etc. So that’s on the agenda for November I guess 🙂 You are right about the drum kit. It’s an Acrylic set by a small German drum factory called ‘Kirchhoff Schlagwerk’ which I endorse.

      1. I have noticed that in some pieces you have not one but two pedals for the same drum! How are they played? Also in other of your songs there’s a “clicker” inserted in the place where the hammer strikes, I’ve never noticed or heard that until know! It’s amazing! I beg you to shed some light on this in your review of your drum kit.

        1. Thanks Diego. I use a standard double bass drum pedal, so I can kick the bass drum with the left foot and right foot. Used a lot in Heavy Metal but I don’t do a lot of Metal so I do not use both beaters all the time 🙂 My beaters are very hard, so the skin needs some extra protection.

  20. That would be great. I am most interested in what size drums you are using with your set, along with the cymbal models and sizes, as well as what model and make of your Hi-Hat stand.

    I also really like how your custom drum set doesn’t utilize bass drum mounted toms, and what a great sound from the acrylic shells. Have you ever thought about suspending your bass drum like some other drummers? Not that it doesn’t sound great the way it sits now. Just curious.

    Take care,


    1. Ok, I’m going to haunt him 🙂 Not sure if he will have a chance next week as he has 2 gigs to prepare so it might be the week after

  21. Hi Sina, I discovered your videos today when I noticed you playing Van Halen’s “Jump.” Loved it. I am making a request for you to cover a kind of obscure, but great song for a drummer called “The Cage” by Elton John. I think you might like it and I’d love to see you play it.

    1. Interesting. The demos of the track I found are without drums, so I might have a go on a drumless demo once I got some extra minutes 🙂

        1. Ooops! I meant do a search on the iTunes ‘store’ for ……. The Cage. Number 5 on the list. Sorry about that!

      1. It’s off the “Elton John” Album. Another one of his that you might like is “Saturday Night’s All Right for Fighting”

        1. Thanks guys, I really like Elton John’s early stuff but I won’t have a chance to look into it as I’m fully booked until February (at least). Sorry! Work being thrown on me all the time!!

  22. Hello Sina, just to congratulate you for your great work. It’s nice to find such a young person like you into all the great music of the 20th Century. Aside of your big talent, you play with an impressive feeling : face expressions of yours while playing and the moves of your head show all your passion for what you’re doing, which is great.

    I know you have a big list and I don’t know if you like Status Quo. Do you know a song of them called ‘That’s a Fact’ (original version 1976)? I think there’s an interesting drum work on it. Just proposing.

    All the best from Catalonia

    1. Thanks a lot, Josep. I don’t know that tune, need to check it out. Fun fact: Rick Benbow, who did some keys for my album and who will be part of our team for the next productions has arranged the strings on the new Status Quo album AQuostic 2, which is also called ‘That’s A Fact’

      1. Hello Sina and thank you very much for your answer.

        Nice coincidence the one you explain. Yes, Status Quo have chosen ‘That’s a Fact’ as their first single from their new album. It’s surprising they chose to cover that tune acousticly and give the whole album that name too. ‘That’s a Fact’ (original version on the ‘Blue Fpr You’ album – 1976) is one of the most forgotten and even obscure tracks of the band.
        Keep on the good work Sina.
        All the best

  23. I’m totally stunned. Keep drumming Sina, you have true talent & are beautiful. Please consider doing something by Prince. ‘Kiss’s would be awesome!

  24. Really enjoy your videos. And I’ve learned some “new” old songs from my youth.
    Would you consider someday taking on the challenge of Aja, by Steely Dan?

    1. Sure, only problem is my time. I have scheduled one cover per week, there is a poll ‘what to cover next’ and it will last to the end of the year to do the best voted tracks

  25. Hi Sina, I have listen to your cover of ‘Listen to the music’ three times already since you released it this morning. I love it. You did a fantastic job on it and I appreciate you doing the cover. It was one of the songs I voted for in The-what-to-do-next-poll. Thanks again. I admire your work. :):)

  26. Just swinging by after seeing some of your videos on YouTube. You’re fantastic drummer, so I figured I would offer a challenge/request. It’s a bit of a long song, but the drums are awesome. Especially during the last half of the song. The song is called ‘Anesthetize’ by a great band called Porcupine Tree. I have posted a link to the video bellow. Keep on rockin’.

    1. Hey, thanks for that, gonna check it out as soon as I have a minute. I’m fully booked though until February 🙂

  27. Just stopped by to say I like your drumming and very pretty too. I know your comfort zone seems to be classic rock, but how do you do outside of that comfort zone? Songs like:

    * Foo Fighters – Everlong/Monkey Wrench
    * Tool – 46 & 2
    * Queens of the Stone Age – No One Knows

    Rock on!

    1. Thanks Sessh, I kind of found my ‘niche’ and I wanna stick to Classic Rock songs/bands for a while (plus I keep recording original music). have you seen the Dream Theater stuff I did?

      1. Yes and that what most impressed me, the Dream Theater song with double bass drum work and tom toms in counter time.

  28. Ich schließe mich mal Sessh an, wäre schön wenn du mal was von den Foo Fighters covern könntest, würde bestimmt gut rüber kommen. Ich füge mal noch Learn to fly als Wunsch dazu.

  29. So many compliments for you. And very much deserved! I am a vocalist and work with very good drummers on runs and raps, and I just have to say that you really have IT! Keep putting it out there young lady and one fine day you will find yourself on a list with the greats! No doubt about it.
    Thank you for sharing your wonderful talents with us!
    Much Love,

  30. Hey Sina,
    I stumbled across your videos while searching on Youtube and Im glad I did! I love your style and the obvious enjoyment you show when playing. I am super impressed by the way you have improved over the few years you have ben playing. You are great! Dad is doing a great job with those videos too. I would love to hear you cover a Phil Collins number if you could in the future, maybe Easy lover. You know what I would love to see you guest on stage with Phil Collins or Bruce Springsteen on their tours. That would be amazing to watch and listen too! Keep your stuff going! Im probably responsible for about a few thousand views of your videos so far 🙂 Quite brilliant.

  31. Love the videos thanks. Really like that you play such a wide range of music. Have you heard Tocatta by Sky. Great drummers music. Would love to hear your cover of it.

    1. Yes, that’s a great track, I know the recording. Johann Sebastian Bach was one of only 2 internationally acknowledged German Rock stars. Ludwig van Beethoven was the other one.

  32. So, there I was, innocently drifting around YouTube when suddenly I stumbled across one of your drum routines. I admit, I normally would have passed it over, but it was the one for “More Than A Feeling”, which is probably one of the greater rock songs ever recorded, so I clicked on the link.

    Enchanted, I clicked on more of your links, although I admit I didn’t know half the songs.

    Then I came across “Wipe Out”.

    Being a drummer in a high school rock band back in the 60’s, it was practically ‘required reading’ that all drummers do the riff, which I did. On the subject, that was a sweet lead your dad laid down, so give him my compliments. As for your routine, I’d say it was a slight cut above the original. As you’re coming out of your last solo around the 1:58 mark and the guitar’s breaking back into the normal riff, you put the tiniest of hesitations into the beat that really made it superb.

    That’s the good news.

    The bad news is that you have two very important drumming aspects that need to be worked on.

    The first is the all-important art of drumstick twirling. Meet the master of the craft:

    If you watch real closely, she actually flips a stick on the way to clashing a cymbal, rather than just waiting for a break in the beat. A good example is right at the :58 mark. She’s also equally adept with both hands.

    And then we have the proper attire for a female drummer. I mean, seriously, a Van Halen shirt? We gotta get you dressed right, girl!

    Just kidding, Dad! Honest!

    Anyway, thanks for the good times on YouTube, and best of luck in the future. You truly have the gift.


  33. if you play all the numbers that are requested, you must be out of your mind.
    But King Crimson’s 21st Century Schizoid Man ?
    Don’t look at / listen to Carl Palmer ( live Loreley 2016 ) he gives you an inferiority complex.
    However, it could easily be the other way around.
    Have a rockin’ 2017; the best is yet to come.

  34. You are sooo good! Impressive.
    But a song that could be a challenge even for you is “Lucky Man” from Emerson, Lake (who died only two days ago) and Palmer (at the drums).
    I hope to see you on YouTube again.
    Best regards,

    1. Thanks a lot, Joaquin! Yes, that’s a lovely tune, however, I need to rely on good backing tracks without drums, very difficult to find for requested songs!

  35. Hi so nice & so powerfull girl…..I´m a senior fans and from my far country called Chile would like the next cover : Get Ready ( Rare Earth ), please listen this song (alive), performed a long time ago ( Woodstock )—sorry my bad english– Best regards from Chile.

  36. Hey Sina , Have you tried doing Iron maidens Somewhere in time or Lonliness of the Long Distance Runner? I have heard you cover Maiden and your great. these 2 songs were always fun for Me to play just thought.

  37. Hi sina.

    You’re not just a pretty girl, but you can also enormous good drumming.
    To your facial expressions sometimes to see that you are far to go.
    Great to see how much fun you will experience drumming.
    I’ve watched many videos on Youtube.

    My favorite top three.
    1 Fool in the Rain *** (class what a drum speed !!!)
    2 Master of puppets. **
    3 Kickstart My Heart *
    And Rapper’s Delight with those beautiful blooper at the end.
    Good luck with your music career.
    Greetings from the Netherlands Merry Christmas and a happy (music) New Year.


  38. hi sina, just watched your new billie jean cover you did, loved it. I’m an 80’s guy. love any thing 80’s. now that you did a cover with your sis, would love to see the 3 of ya, your dad, do something together. it would have to be fast and loud, like something from kiss. great job.

  39. Having grown up in the 60s, and listened to lots of classic bands in the 70s and 80s, it’s great to see there are some kids these days still keeping some of the “oldies” alive; seems that so much of recent pop is really not very good and way to electronically produced (autotune et al). Great job!

  40. Hello Sina…
    I’m a 70’s rocker in the US… I came across your video’s while searching for “here we go again” to listen to. Next thing you know i’m spending hours listening to and watching your video’s. Really enjoy your talent as a drummer.

    I voted for “go your own way” for the next song cover… some thoughts on a few next cover songs to do would be: Roundabout by Yes, Won’t Get Fooled Again by The Who, Smooth Criminal by Michael Jackson, and Mama Let Him Play by Jerry Doucette.

    Looking forward to hearing and seeing your next releases.

  41. Hi Miss- Loved you cover of ‘Light My Fire.’ It was great. Your drumming was excellent. You may or may not have heard the story of when the Doors were booked to play on the Ed Sullivan show in 1967. The lyric ‘Girl we couldn’t get much higher’ was suppose to be changed to ‘Girl we couldn’t get much better.’ In those days the thinking was the line may refer to drug use. Well, Jim Morrison used the original line anyway and they were banned from the other 6 performances they were to do on the Ed Sullivan show. That show helped make stars of Elvis , the Beatles and other bands in the US. The
    Doors went on to become stars anyway. Thought you may want to hear a little trivia. By the way I voted for ‘Go your on way’. I would love to see you play the drums to one of my favorite songs by Fleet Wood Mac. Miss Sina I enjoy watching you play drums to the great song of the 60’s, 70’s and 80’s.

  42. Sina, Moby Dik would be an absolutely killer solo.
    Of course do the wholw thing with sicks and don’t break your hands! 🙂
    JB was a such a crazy as someone can be 😀
    Greetings from Finland, love You 🙂

  43. I could not believe the talent you have! I help promote a local cover band, and your talents and abilities surpass those of seasoned musicians! I hope to hear more from you soon!

  44. Love to see you do a cover of As I Am by Dream Theater, also covers of Click, Click, Boom by Saliva and I Hate Everything About You by Three Days Grace. You have an extraordinary talent for someone so young, keep up the good work and you will make fat stacks of cash one day.

  45. good morning , I was just wondering how many requests you get for different songs ? must be 1000’s by now ! you’ll be about 75 years old till you get done playing everything everybody wants to hear , lol…
    nice to see John Densmore , the Doors drummer approving of your ” light my fire ” cover , that has to feel good !!….classic American rock !
    have a great day , little drummer girl !

    1. It’s many request!!! Too many, to be honest, they come in on all channels, YouTube, Facebook, by eMail. If I would click all Links and listen to all suggestions, I wouldn’t have the time to play a single note myself all week 🙂

  46. Dat zei ik je toch op 07 december. Helaas kan je niet overal op ingaan. Probeer een beetje structuur aan te brengen en zelf nog een leven te hebben. ( wonend in de buurt van Krefeld moet je Nederlands kunnen lezen ).

  47. Sina-
    Like many others, I am very impressed with your talent. I am an American living in Memphis TN. I play percussion, mostly congas, djembes, cymbals etc.

    We have a very rich musical heritage down here- Delta blues, all the great rock & blues legends that came thru Stax and Sun studios. The legend lives on with tons of talented groups all over town.

    No doubt you have the talent & drive to do something special musically- your talent is equal to or better than many successful players.

    Best of luck to you & if you visit the U.S., make sure you visit Memphis!

    Joe K

  48. Greetings from Russia! Sina,You’re amazing girl! I,during the “hazy youth” played in the band on drums. And not by hearsay know how difficult it is and at the same time exciting. You merge with the drums and become a part of it.And you get it just super.Well done! Keep it up! I wish you many new successes! With respect. Maxim.Russia.

  49. Hello from the cold, wind blown Rocky Mountains in northern USA! I just want to tell you how refreshing it is to see a young person taking their talent seriously and doing something special and real with their life. You are very unusual, and I mean that as a serious complement! You’re having a very positive effect on others–whether you realize that or not. Please don’t ever second-guess yourself. You know what to do in life, and you’re doing it incredibly well. The fact that you are so young, makes your accomplishments all that more important and moving! Best wishes for you and your success in this new year =)

  50. Hi Miss Sina- One of your old adoring fans here. As good as you are and as many fans that you have now I’m sure there is no way you will ever be able to play all the drum covers that are requested of you. BUT, if you ever come across a song by Z Z Topp called ‘Sharp Dressed Man’ you should listen to it. I’m sure the drumming blood in you would began to bubble. :):) Love your drum covers.

  51. Hello sweet rock princess; I supposed you are better, well I wondered about the last poll result, what are the next drum covers, i’m expectating with the drum covers and also to run into with you someday. Kisses to you and do it bettet

    1. I just launched a new Poll! Will try to post some originals in between but the poll for the next covers is online now!

  52. I would like to see you cover a Tool song of your choice. I have no doubt you will nail it, just like all the others I’ve seen. You are quite the talent! Keep up the phenomenal work!!

    1. Oh yes. I’m totally with Rick on this one. I would love to see you do ’46 and 2′. It has some odd timing, it’s fantastic. If you like the song, please consider doing it. Thank you for sharing your amazing talent with us, Frank.

  53. Sina,…. You are fantastic ! I would love to see you really test your skills… MOLLY HATCHET, flirtin with disaster, would be awesome to see. Please try to put it in your song lineup. Thomas, Knoxville Tennessee

  54. Hi Miss Sina- I know you don’t have to look for drum covers to do because you are probably supplied with too many already. Ha On the song ‘Once Bitten Twice Shy’ drummer Audie Desbrow does an awesome job playing it. You know, I just bet you could easily hang with him doing a cover of the song. Love watching you do drum covers of music from the 60’s, 70’s and 80’s. Please keep up the good work. :):)

  55. hi sina love to here you do LAZY by deep purple & dazed and confused by zeppelin . also , where do you get your backing tracks from ?

    1. Hi Dane, for my drum covers I use drumless tracks which can be found on YouTube. For my original songs (e.g. Doing The Right Thing The Wrong Way) I don’t use backing tracks, those tracks are recorded and produced from scratch. Therefore, I can’t share any backing tracks for my original songs, sorry!

  56. Hi Sina. I love your videos and your skills blow me away every time. You already covered a few AC/DC songs, maybe you consider doing one more somewhere down the road. If so, ‘Riff Raff’ would be amazing. It’s a great Phil Rudd track with a little twist. I think you’ll love it. Thanks for all the great videos and music you share with us. I love it. Frank.

  57. I enjoy all of your videos. I even purchased your CD of new music. Loved the song with Lauren I. Both of you are very talented. I saw the new video today, No sir I won’t play in my underwear. Loved the boots.

  58. Hi Sina , stumbled across your youtube vids today for the first time & was hooked watching a number of your different covers for an hour. Many above have said it , “you are talented” very talented. All i can add is believe in yourself & your ability even no matter if things go pear shaped at some stage , always go back to your root instincts & gut feelings for what you believe in of your music. All the very best for the future young lady.

  59. Hi Miss Sina- I’m so sorry you didn’t get to put Fleetwood Mac’s ‘Go Your Own Way’ on for us. I love the song. I know it surely wasn’t because you didn’t want to though. I’m sure as many Rumours albums that were sold over the last 40 years they aren’t hurting for anything. But we live in a complex world. Mick Fleetwood does some outstanding drumming in that song, as you know. I can only imagine how great you would have sounded. Keep up the good work. You have lots of eager fans awaiting your next drum cover.

    1. Hi Jimmy, yes, it’s a pity. However, I can share the video privately with my inner circle and my supporters. So if you send me a mail (you can use this website’s form) I can send you a private link 🙂

  60. i understand you sina for the problem of friday, there is a lot of copyright claims and i know, to be true, i’m hoping for the other drum covers, i say that i want to see a little of guns n roses and men at work, and i know that i could make you a lot of requests, i know that a new drum tutorial is coming, if you don’t have problems you can check any of my videos and you can suscribe if you want. i hope you like

  61. hi sina, i apoloogize for the links that i send you in your page, i hope you understand me, i know that a new tutorial is coming and please don’t consider the comments with links, i’m ready to see your new tutorial and don’t worry princess for that

  62. Hi Sina,
    I love your drumming, you are very talented and I enjoy watching your videos.
    I have a question for you:
    Have you thought about doing a video of a drum solo?
    Maybe inspired by Neil Peart, Buddy Rich, John Bonham or maybe someone else you like.
    Would love to see what you can do.

    1. Hi Dane, meanwhile there are so many crazy people on Facebook that I started ignoring what’s going on there. I rarely look at the timeline comments and to be honest I’m not a big fan of Facebook timeline comments, but I don’t bother really. If you have something important to share feel free to send me a mail 🙂

      1. You know sina your comments about Facebook are similar to my experience but perhaps in reverse , About 3 years ago I went on Facebook for the first time for about a month , then I quit Facebook , the reason was that some people would take offence with my opinion of something , so I thought well so much for free speech , but also its easy for things to be taken out of context especially when some people think that they are smarter than everyone else , so they think that there opinions are the only correct ones .. unfortunately for you , you are so highly exposed on the World Wide Web that you are exposed to all kinds. Of people but you seem to be handing things well . for myself I am staying much more low key on Facebook this time around , but I must admit I am enjoying commenting on what you do . Thanks again for answering me , you really are a sweetie !!!

  63. Hi from Boston! You are amazing. So psyched to see young, talented drummers rip it up. Especially girls. Such an inspiration to others! I like how sophisticated you are with your videos, recordings, website, etc. Do you come from a musical family? Anyway, I wish you nothing but the best of luck moving forward. You have a bright future ahead of you!

  64. Hello Sina.

    Discover you by “accident” couple à weeks ago on youtube when i was searching for AC/DC and i saw your version of whole lotta Rosie. And after that i was completely hooked. My god you are so full of talent and i hope you get a call from Geddy when Neil wants to retire. Iv’e seen almost every cover you had done and you are truly amazing. So now iv’e orderd Chi Might because i want to support you and i’m curious on your own material. Keep up the good work Percussion Prinsess!

    I have a request thouth, please do something with Rush and specially Time Stand Still from Hold your fire album. Very good drums in that song.

    Greetings from Stockholm Sweden.


  65. well sina, your chi might is done but i don’t know if it is on sale worldwide. is only seen on youtube or can i purchase it for a price

  66. Hi there, Sina! Greetings from Donetsk… right at the middle of warfare. My name is Slav and I’m 25. “А part of sing and a bit of joke” that’s what keeps me appreciated. I also like some young and intersive fellows who can respect the past and not afraid to embrace the future. You do well on both of this ways and I really admire your skill. To say the least, I prefer some interesting instrumental music, which can create some pleasant space within. In my opinion, your album Chi Might contains a huge impact on those who can still sense a proper attitude in musical precedence. I’d like to thank all of the participants as well for make it possible. I’l be waiting for more albums from your team. Keep up the intensity and the rags would be conquered. My best regards to you and your devotion. Good luck!

  67. hi sina , i guess its just a no brainer for pop radio to play what ever is the flavour of the month , that the record industry is promoting . so i hear ya when you say ” stupid katy perry song ” i’ve always maintained that she doesn’t sing her crappy songs , she YELLS them ! shure she is cute with all her different looks , but i can’t stand to hear her , and i will change the station immediately . and you can bet that if they edited ” HER ” songs , the radio station would probably get complaints from her fans , but when they hack up a toto song , most of the young listeners won’t know the difference anyway . i know you are incredibly busy but have you considered sending an email to the radio people to ask them why they would edit a great song by great musicians ! excelllent tutorial on jeffs drumming !!! no need for you to practice paradiddles ! you have a great natural feel for timming and you make it look easy . peace out ….

  68. how can I play along with you and learn from you and possibly teach you American metal guitar as repayment

  69. Once again Sharp dressed Man nails it I worked for them as well. But you also said TOO EASY. Well here is a challenging set for you to work out on. Are You ready for it…… Jethro Tull Thick as Brick. Doubt you get drum less version but im sure you’ll get a great workout and test your skills.

    Have Fun

  70. you are the best drummer, and i hope your videos tomorrow, best wishes percussion’s princess

  71. Hi sina , as you look forward , do you see your future in music as a session drummer or in a band , writing , performing and recording , or in music production , or something else .

  72. Sina I wanted to Donate to the cause. However my PayPal in German is, well, Verboten. :~) I hope I got that right… Is there a way to make that donation (ClassicRocks MusiciansNetwork) using American Paypal? I tried using your link but I am sure that there was an error, but couldn’t read what the problem was. Continue to be the best at who you are young lady. I am very entertained by these videos. I too was very disappointed that the one video had to be removed. If I may, would like to be able to see it privately if possible. Also I must say that your Who pick is very much what I was talking about in my post about the ZZ Top project. This was a great choice to show us your ever maturing talents.

  73. Hello Miss Sina!

    You really nailed it this week, i´m sure Keith Moon sitting with a beer somewhere and smiling.

    You go girl!

    Best whishes.

  74. Hi Sina, I’ve been enjoying your videos for over a year now and I can’t help noticing that you like Converse Chuck Taylor sneakers! I think they should consider sponsoring you for the “brand placement”! I sent an email to Converse Europe suggesting they check out your YouTube channel. I hope they recognize your value to them. Maybe some of your other fans will contact Converse too and help persuade them. The address that I have is
    Have fun and keep drumming!

  75. Hola sina,mi nombre es Pablo soy de Argentina,me interesaría saber que marca de batería usas y que tipo de parches,y que marca son los platillos que usas,me suscribirse a tu canal hace aproximadamente un mes,me gusta tu técnica para pegarle a la batería,es muy difícil tocar profecionalme o vivir de la música, toqué mucho tiempo en una banda reconocida en mi ciudad y la experiencia de tocar en público es realmente increíble,te dejo mis saludos y espero tu respuesta ya que quisiera comprarme la misma batería en la cual sales en YouTube,me refiero a la de color celeste,espero estar en contacto otra vez contigo,y te felicito por el talento y seguí practicando para seguir progresando

  76. Hi Sina , have you ever thinking to cover some early Quennsryche ? Scott Rockenfield is one of the best drummers i know ,very similar to Portnoy which i know you like . It’s not a request,simply i wish to know if you agree with me . However “Operation Mindcrime ” is a great album , i guess you have already listen it due to your taste … and if not , do it 🙂

  77. Hi Sina, I tried to make a donation today but since I’m from Canada I had a hard time filling in the info as I only know English. I guess the next step is buying your CD. 🙂 Go – Ice cream Man ! I’m always picking the underdog 🙂

  78. Hi Sina, my name is Andre and i’m from Canada. I discovered you just the other day as i was searching for music videos on U-Tube. I got hooked on you immediately. I always loved drums and i fell in love with your talent. I now have all of your drum covers in my music library and i watch all of them every day after work. I want to buy your CD and support you all the way. There is no doubt that you are the most talented and most beautiful drummer on Earth. Keep it up Sina

  79. Hi Sina.

    I´ve order a copy of Chi Might Feburari 27 and the order was completed March 1 and i still not receved it.
    I don´t know if you have plans to swim from Germany to Sweden and delivery it by your self but it´s not necessary i promise you =)

    Can you please look in to it?

    Best regards Magnus Stockholm.

    1. Hi Magnus, so sorry to hear that the package didn’t make it, it should have arrived weeks ago. Today I’m going to send you another copy. In case you should receive the other one meanwhile, just give it to someone else.

      And sorry for the late reply, I only saw your comment today!!!


  80. My two girls and I were just over at your YouTube channel checking out your latest upload and saw your subscriber count hit 100,000. I posted over there but I want to say it again – CONGRATULATIONS! Bet it doesn’t take long to reach 150,000.

  81. Wow Girl ! You are a force of nature, those rounded shells with stretched membranes are not enough to contain the tsunami churning in your soul… are a revolution trapped inside a bubble ready to explode ! Don’t STOP !

  82. you know that i don’t speak German but yesterday was the only exception. i hope you play the known song of guns n roses SWEET CHILD O MINE because you’re pretty princess

  83. I heard crazy train today on my car radio , and thought nice rocker for sina , partly because you could go Keith moon crazy on the fills and have a lot of fun with this one !

  84. Sina–I have just returned to drumming after many years—-just discovered your fantastic covers!!

    I am interested in your cymbal set up—as they sound great! Can you share? I’ve looked at Zildjian K’s but really love the sound of your choices!


  85. Hey there sina,
    I’ve just bought your amazing excellent album CHI MIGHT (very cleverly thought out tittle) 😉 I love all the covers,but man your original material is incredible. You’ve got it all goin on young lady,keep doin exactly what you’re doin ok. Never stop learning it’s a lifelong process. I’m 53 and been a music loon all my life. You are a VERY special talent,with a great style all of your own,thank god i found you before you got too huge. 🙂

    I comment as sperhead787 on youtube by the way. God knows why i chose that. Lool 🙂

  86. Amazing drums! I’d like to SEE you play some Ginger Baker’s (with Cream), like White Room or Sunshine of your Love. Baker’s rhythm was a novelty then, and is still considered one of the greatest! I just hope to see you performing live sometime. Saludos from Mexico!

  87. Easter Greetings to you Sina, your sister Milena, your father Michael, and your mother (sorry Mrs D., I don’t know your name!) from me, my husband Miguel, and our daughters Rosanna and Rebecca.

  88. Hi Miss Sina- One off your longtime adoring fans here. I have been watching you since last year. I just want to let you know that I very much appreciate your great cover songs of the 60’s, 70’s and 80’s. I also do listen to your originals and they are as good as the covers you do. I am very impressed by a young lady with your talent keeping the great songs of the greatest 4 decades of Rock & Roll alive. I have lived them and believe me you have done every one of the songs you covered great justice. And Miss Sina, this last one ‘Living On A Prayer was to me simply amazing,awesome, fantastic and I could go on and on but I hope you know how much I liked it. Who ever put together the intro and ending with a great drum cover in between did a awesome job. Please keep doing your awesome drum playing of the covers of the greatest Rock And Roll decades in history. Thanks Again.

  89. Greeting from Virginia Beach, Virginia.

    I just ran across your videos and must say “Well Done”. I’ve enjoyed watching about 4 of them thus far and looking forward to viewing them all. Keep up the thing you love most!

  90. Saludos desde España.

    Es un verdadero placer escucharte y verte: tienes un gran talento y una gran sensibilidad para la música.

    Adelante !!!!

    Un abrazo fuerte.

    – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – –

    Greetings from Spain.

    It’s a real pleasure to listen to you and see you: you have a great talent and a great sensitivity for music.

    Ahead !!!!

    A strong hug.

  91. Just seen nothing else matters on Youtube.
    Just amazing .
    Loved it so much.
    Have ordered Album.
    Keep bashing those skins.

  92. Hey Sina,
    Funny that you bought the new drum kit around the corner ( Kirchhoff / Krefeld ) while there are so many firms that make drum kits. But why not, it looks great and you are used to Kirchhoff.

  93. I absolutely love your drumming and your cover songs are just fantastic!! I know you stick with the music of the 70’s which is awesome, but could you do a cover of Santana’s “Soul Sacrifice” from Woodstock 69? The video is available on Youtube, the drummer was Michael Shrieve who was 19 or 20 years old and his drumming that day was beyond words. I wish you the best of luck in your career and I know we will be hearing MUCH more from you in years to come.

    1. Hi Eric, thanks for your request. Some issues though – I’m fully booked for a couple of months, my to-do-list is incredibly long and I need a high quality drumless track for those kind of drum covers – they are only available for a couple of songs, not likely to find for random requests, so I’m afraid you have to bear with me….

  94. Hi, Sina!!! I just noticed about your channel like a couple of days ago… I think it was the VH’s “Panama” cover… Let me say you show your skills really well, besides the fact you look so calm while playing… And that smile always in your face, it shows you love what you do and makes people enjoy it… Greetings from Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic…
    HBD and keep up the good work!!!

  95. Hello Sina, my best wishes for your 18th birthday! (I found it on some old page in the internet, you know, the net never forgets…)
    You really got the groove!

  96. Hi Sina,

    My 10 years old drummer daughter and I want to wish you a happy birthday from Normandie in France.
    What you are doing is absolutely beautiful, so continue as well.

    Let me try: Alles Gute zum Geburtstag

    Enjoy this day, sincerely,

    Best regards,

    Nicolas & Salomé

  97. Hi Sina,
    Got bored watching the usual tat on Youtube stumbled on your cover of nothing else matters.
    Totally amazed by it should be Top of the charts !!.
    Have bought album watched other videos cant get enough.
    Have you done anymore CDs or are you planning anymore soon.
    Have you ever done or thought of doing Dance with the Devil by Cozy Powell.
    Keep on drumming you have a gift the whole planet needs to hear.

    Best Regards


    1. Thanks so much, Mark! I’m still looking for the right people in order to go for another album but we keep recording, collecting ideas… I also record a lot with other musicians, like Jadyn Rylee (Nothing Else Matters). Apart from that, I started recording drum parts for other artists’ albums, so it’s quite likely that more stuff is going to be launched in the near/medium future. Thanks again!!


      1. Can’t wait.
        just had to get another copy of CD.
        Took mine to listen to at work somebody liked it so much they walked of with it.
        Didn’t mind it just goes to show that some people still do have a good taste.

        Best regards Mark

  98. Hi sina, sorry for my change of media, this reason was because we couldn’t share our videos together-because i’m creator of videos also- in effect, also I know you started your life at university, congratulations;and i say that i’m studying now in the university too, i’m looking forward to hearing good news about you and also i will bring you news soon
    Jorge Luis

  99. Sina needs a new business plan. (I’m assuming Sina’s mom or sister will read this – so I’m going to refer to her in the third person.)
    – In 2014 – the original plan was pure genius. It answered the question: “How can we convince global music lovers to listen to a 14-year-old-girl playing the drums?”
    – The answer? Have her play drum-covers of classic rock hits. People will ‘tune in’ to listen to the music and will (perforce) hear Sina while they’re doing it.
    – The ‘sale’ (because EVERY start-up has to generate ‘sales’) was defined as a ‘view’. The goal of increasing sales became synonymous with increasing ‘views’.
    – And it worked! Boy! Did it work!
    – Over the course of 3+ years – Sina’s videos have been watched millions of times!
    _ But a business plan for a start-up needs to change as it succeeds.
    – And to the best of my knowledge, Sina’s hasn’t (or more properly – hasn’t SUCCESSFULLY)
    – It only made sense to define a ‘sale’ as a ‘view’ when she didn’t have very many of them.
    _ Because the reason to generate ‘sales’ in the first place – is that ‘sales’ generate MONEY – and you can use money to pay for things. (musicians, recording studio time, salaries, and Sina. You’re only a professional musician if somebody PAYS you to make music. And so far 0 that isn’t happening often enough.)
    – ‘Views’ don’t generate any income at all (or more properly – they don’t generate any income for SINA)
    – And it turns out that what people like – are the drum covers – as opposed to the orignal music (which WOULD generate money – if more people were willing to pay for it.)
    _ In the retail world — a ‘loss leader’ is a product that a store sells at little-or-no-profit to generate ‘foot traffic’ . The goal is for that ‘foot traffic to buy OTHER items while shopping – so the total customer-experience is profitable for the retailer.
    _ Looking at it from this vantage point — over 99% of Sina’s ‘sales’ are ‘loss leaders;!
    – This is NOT a recipe for success!
    – She needs a new business plan: one that defines a ‘sale’ as an income-generating transaction — instead of continuing to define a ‘sale’ as a ‘view’.
    – There are two main paths that can be followed here.
    _- The first path is to develop new ‘products’ that people will actually BUY (spend money for).
    – An example of this path is wtiting/performing original (to Sina) muskc — so that (presumably) any fees paid by youtube will accrue to SiINA – and not the copyright holder(s).
    – The efforts so far have met with limited success (according to sections of Sina’s homepage).
    – The other path is more challenging.
    – See what people will pay for — where a ‘sale’ will generate money-for-SINA — and sell it to them.
    – You’ll know what these are — better than I will — once you kinow how to look for them.
    -I’m just going to pitch a few ideas here. Sina will hate some of them – possibly most of them — and perhaps even all of them.
    – No matter.
    – It is — after all — HER life. She gets to hate anything she wants to.
    – She gets to choose if she actually wants to be a professional musician or not. Because part of that process is simply hanging-around-the-world-of-professional-music — and honing her craft – – while she waits for (and works toward) her ‘break’.
    – Here are a few ideas:
    1) T-shirts, coffee mugs and all the other ‘rubbish’ (her word)..
    -Before going ;Oh yuck!’ — I’d like to ask her a question. She has a Van Halen t-shirt that she wears while performing ‘Wipeout’. It looks to be VERY used and well-worn. Sina – is THAT shirt ‘rubbish’? Or is it a ”shirt-of-power’? Do you feel ‘cooler’? and ‘more-alive’? or ‘at-the-top-of-your-game’ while wearing it? (THAT’S what I mean by ‘a shirt of power’)
    – Sina t-shirts are ‘rubbish’ to SINA – because she doesn’t feel ‘cool’ or confident while she’s wearing one. BUT SINA’S NOT THE CUSTOMER!
    – And THAT’S the key question!!!
    – Will ANOTHER girl feel ‘cool’ and on-top-of-HER-game because she’s wearing a Sina t-shirt.
    – Will she (the potential customer0 feel like SHE can hit a softball harder (at a softball tryout) – or play chess better (at a chess tournament) — or get a better grade on a test (in school) if she’s wearing her ‘lucky’ Sina t-shirt?
    – If the answer is ‘yes’ – then you’ve sold a t-shirt (or several t-shirts if you offer them in different colors)
    – And THIS sale is NOT a ‘view’. It generates CASH!!!
    2) The same arguement could be made for coffee mugs – or sippers — or headbands — or . . . . .
    3) Sina has prepared a lot of drum tutorials. I have no idea if they’re any good or not (whether someone who follows them could actually learn how to play the drums). But they’re FREE (to the customer) so they don’t generate any income for Sina..
    – Another loss-leader.
    – Sina could give LESSONS . . . PRIVATE lessons . . . . to a VERY select (small) group of students.
    _ Financially well-off students . . who can afford to pay five or ten times the going-rate PER HOUR — of normal drum-instruction. I have NO idea of how many euros per hour a normal teacher would charge. But we’re not talking about a ‘normal’ teacher here. We’re taling about SINA.
    – It should be possible to sculpt the lessons so that much of each lesson would consist of the STUDENT playing — with SINA listening — and making comments and suggestions — so that the student improves — each lesson.
    – The key could be the drum tutorials (which are already done) — and the student’s performance . . so that Sina wouldn’t actually have to DO much at all in each lesson – just provide her expertise.
    – Five lessons (say) at 200 euros per lesson (or 150 – or whatever she decides to charge) — per week is over 50,000 euros per year for FIVE HOURS OF WORK PER WEEK (plus prep time).
    – The key element here is making sure that each STUDENT feels like they’re getting their money’s worth.
    – And part of THAT is making sure that this is an EXCLUSIVE group of students . . . with a WAITING LIST
    4) AUTOGRAPHS are worth money to people (fans). Not just an autographed picture (which is tacky — an autographed SOMETHING (t-shirt, sheet music, 16-page booklet — whatever people are willing to pay for . . .)
    4) She’s apparently selling her used drumsticks for almost no money at all.
    – I’m sure you can predict that I’m going to tell you that’s not a good idea.,
    – Instead sell them for MORE money – after dolling-them-up. Buy a nice case to sell each set in. (Make a profit on the case too.) Include a signed (AUTOGRAPHED) Certificate of Authenticity. “I certify I used these drumsticks in a recording session”. Sina Doefing (signed)

    I’ll stop for now. If Sina;s interested we could converse (or her mom, dad or sister) via e-mail

    On the other hand — if she thinks these are the slimiest, most reprehensible ideas she’s ever heard of – and has to take three showers after reading this – then I guess I won’t be getting an e-mail.

    One last point. My guess is that Sina has become ‘the family business’.. This ‘business’ ’employs’ her mom, her sister and her dad (as well — I’m sure — as many friends — her dad’s professional associates– and so forth.)

    Wouldn’t it be nice if this ‘business’ could actually afford to PAY some of these people for their work?

    Very best regards,
    Bob Matson

    1. Hey Bob,

      oh wow, that was a lot of input!! First of all, thanks so much for taking the time to write it all down and she your ideas! Let me just comment on some points. Btw, my mum is not involved, I’m doing all recordings together with my dad and my sister also joined me because it takes so much time to send out stuff to individual customers world wide. Ok, some aspects. You are right if you say that ‘views’ on my covers don’t generate money for me but they generate an audience and that’s the important point. When I released my album last year, my channel had 20,000 subscribers and it was tough to convince some of them to actually buy the album – and it was awesome to find out that most of them actually enjoy it!!!! After the album release I started to launch some popular covers and I was amazed how many people wanted to see them so I kept doing it and my channel grew incredibly fast. So if I’m going to release another album one day it will be a lot easier for me as I’m addressing to a lot more people than I could last year. We are working on original songs all the time and we also started working with other singers (= growing their channels). Another aspect, I found amazing supporters who joined me on and support me with their pledges, so I actually get paid for my covers. Thanks again to all my supporters, you know who you are 🙂
      Regarding the teaching idea – my tutorials get views and those views get paid by YouTube because there is no copyrighted music (only my drum parts). At this point I’m not confident enough in order to offer online lessons or such like, I do not think I’m good at it. Finally, yes, I’m going to sell merchandise like you mentioned very soon. This is going to start later this year, in summer or autumn the latest. Will go through your other points again with my dad, so thanks again for your ideas!!!


      1. Hi Sina,
        I obviously have very little information about the ‘nuts and bolts’ of Sina Drums. So any suggestions I have – which don’t ‘fit’ very well . . . just discard those.
        – My main point – which I’m not sure I articulated adequately is “You’re either Running a Business” — or “You Have a Hobby”.
        – Either option is perfectly legitmate. And the choice you pick NOW – doesn’t have to be permanent. You can change your mind whenever you want to.
        _ But there are a limited number of choices you get to make in terms of your future in the music business.
        _ And – for many of these choices – the ‘Business Option’ and the ‘Hobby Option’ might be different (even diametric opposites).
        – So it’s vital (for YOU!) that You understand what you’re doing . . . so you can be consistent.
        – Otherwise these options are going to look like independent choices – and they’re not!.
        – Each successive choice you make will lead you further down one path and farther away from the other.
        – Not understanding that can leave you blundering around in the woods with NO path to follow.

        1. ps: Do your fans even KNOW that playing one of your tutorials on youbube generates income for YOU (Sina Drums).
          – If they DON’T know — and EYE certainly didn’t — you should tell them.
          – Personally – I’m going to log onto two or three Sina Drums tutorials every day now.
          – And I have absolutely NO interest in learning how to play the drums!

          pps: maybe you could spice up the drum tutorials to provide an incentive for logging on.
          – For example – I absolutely LOVE the outtake at the end of Rapper’s Delight (which is one of my favorite Sina Drums covers anyway).
          – If you had outtakes like that on your drum covers – I’d watch the drum tutorials – just so I could watch the outtakes.

          ppps: Are there lots of outtakes like that? I’d buy a download of them . . . and I’m betting your other fans would too! Ahd you could charge REAL money for them – because it’s a ‘product’ that isn’t available ANYWHERE else.
          – And again – that’s revenue for Sina Drums – NOT copyright owners (because it’s YOUR stuff!)
          -That’s really the kind of thing I was talking about in my first e-mail when I said ‘Look around for what your customers/fans want to buy – that YOU own – and sell it to them.”

          Okay . . . I’m done now.

          I promise,

          1. okay — I’m NOT done.

            in the pps – when I wrote ” If you had outtakes like that on your drum covers . . .” I meant to write “If you had outtakes like that on your drum TUTORIALS . . . .”

            NOW I’m done

          2. Hey Bob, thanks a lot for sharing all those thoughts 🙂 The full truth is: I do not have a clue what I want. As the ‘Bangles’ once put it: If she knew what she wants he’d been giving it to her.. I really can’t tell. I might be a scientist one day. Or a drummer. Time will tell 🙂

          3. Ah . . . you have a hobby.
            – That makes sense. When you’re 18 – the future seems limitless.
            – If you decide you want to run a business – drop me an e-mail.

            Viel gluck,

  100. I will like to know the Sina Drum body brand?
    The mark only a character look like「K」or「R」

  101. Just found you on you-tube, you are amazing. So talented. i know you must get loads of people telling you to listen to this and that, so I am going to add to that.

    The Sweet – The Man With The Golden Arm

    Cover that and I’ll worship you forever, lol

    keep on playing

    1. Hi Roy, thanks for your request. Some issues though – I’m fully booked for a couple of months, my to-do-list is incredibly long and I need a high quality drumless track for those kind of drum covers – they are only available for a couple of songs, not likely to find for random requests, so I’m afraid you have to bear with me….

      1. pity, but let me know if you get to listen to Mick Tucker (Drummer with the Sweet) playing on it, like to hear your thoughts

        keep playing

        1. That’s true there are some amazing stuff out there with Mick Tucker and The Sweet music. I used to cover The Balroom Blitz. Real kick ass rock&roll songs.

          1. Still love it even if they considered it cheepe. Go to hell and get in the ass. Look at some of their videos on youtube you would get naked before you could think and you’re a asshole and we are ready to do you somme good by sucking your big cock and sommetimes lick your asshole, but it will be better to suck your balls. Music is about fucking listen Robert Fripp.

  102. 「Kirchhoff Schlagwerk」for sell less in other country, especially in asia/
    Thank’s for about 「K」, Have a nice spring and summer season.

  103. Hello Sina ,

    I really enjoy watching you play the drums – you truly have magic in your hands !
    #1 what size drum sticks do you like to use ?

    #2 what is your mailing address so I can send you a package ?

    Keep on ROCKIN

    Diver Dave

    1. Thanks a lot Dave, that’s really nice. Due to the fact that international shipments are really expensive you better do not send a physical package. If you still want to do that please send a message via my contact form as I do not want to share my address on the internet 🙂 Thanks again!!

  104. Hello blogger is see you are not monetizing your blog.
    You can earn a lot using one simple method, search on youtube: how
    to make money online reselling seoclerks

  105. On first place i wanna thank’s for a CD i bought, You and all the artist’s that make a lot of good music, there is all that i love in music. Its regardles how old you are, if you do what you love to do, and what the heart tells you to do, it’s ok, All of Your covers are great, but Your performance of Don Henley drums to “Hotel California”, that is what they call blow my mind.I wish You all the best, and keep that pace beacuse it’s a fastlane to the greatest.
    Oh and by the way i look forward to some more orginal stuff, for example “Fire” written by You and your dad was fantastic, energetic, and got that something.
    Greetings from Poland:)

  106. Hi Sina, i found your Drumcovers on youtube. Wow, what an amayzing talent you are 🙂

    I have a special wish , i love In-a-gadda-da-vida from Iron Butterfly, hope u can cover it :-).

    Much greetings from Germany


  107. hi sina, yesterday i made the possible to send you videos in the secret way but it fails, sorry for the name changed in my media but you know that i’m delighted with drums, if you see a lot of last messages in a day, except the congrats and the request in your media, please delete it

  108. Glad to see you’re not only in it for the money. Do you know that album – ” we’re only …………….” of Frank Zappa and the Mothers ? if so, you’ve seen the cover of the album that refers to Sgt. Peppers, a song you recently covered. So the circle is round.

  109. Hi Sina, It’s already three weeks ago but how was the premiere of ” das Zauberschloss ” ?
    Now you’re 18, do you have driving lessons ?
    With all your International friends you’d better buy a private-jet 🙂

    1. Hi Erik,

      yes to both, I have a driver license, it was the premiere of ‘das Zauberschloss’ which was exciting for me to watch. No private jet for me though…

  110. Please consider the 1937 Benny Goodman Swing classic “Sing, Sing, Sing”. The drumming of Gene Krupa is amazing, and I think your interpretation would be amazing.


  111. Hey Sina
    That is a unique name, I must say you are very talented, love your drumming and your vids, I’m kinda bummed that you have no more sticks for sale, would really love to have a pair. I will diffidently be donating in a short time to your cause.

    Big fan
    aka Rusty

  112. Sina,
    I watch at least one of your videos each day and marvel at your talent! Any thought of doing a cover of Kenny Loggins “Danger Zone” ? Thanks for many hours of enjoyment!


  113. Hallo Sina.
    Wie so viele andere, habe auch ich Deine Youtube-Videos eher durch Zufall entdeckt. Ich träumte schon immer davon Schlagzeug spielen zu können, aber dafür bin ich leider zu unmusikalisch. Trotzdem schaue ich sehr gerne anderen beim spielen zu. Bei Deinen Videos kann ich mich überhaupt nicht satt sehen, oder besser gesagt hören (sonst wird mir altem Sack das noch negativ ausgelegt). Sehr überrascht war ich aber, als ich gelesen habe wo Du lebst … im Prinzip bei mir um die Ecke. Ich bin ein Moerser Jung und lebe jetzt aber in Emmerich. Wie gesagt, ich finde Deine Art zu spielen einfach klasse. Mach weiter so und viel Erfolg im weiterem Leben.

    1. Hallo Thomas, vielen Dank, wie nett! Freut mich sehr, wenn meine Videos jemandem gefallen, viele Grüße nach Moers 🙂

  114. Hi Sina. Found your Yes Roundabout by accident, I’m hooked, a fan for ever. Have you ever tried to tackle Zappa “Inca Roads”? One of my all time favorites. I love your Whole lot of Rosie. I commented on your Tom Sawyer… it is great to see the smile break out on your face! I showed this video to my daughter who is a 14 year old footballer. I have been trying to get her to relax and “let it fly” when she plays. This video is a perfect example of that, as is your Sultans of Swing, fantastic. Check out the drumming of Prairie Prince (The Tubes) on TODD RUNGREN LIAR LIVE AT THE EGG. He kills it on every song. They even do a cover of “While My Guitar Gently Weeps”. Keep it up!!

  115. I like watching Sina play the drums. She really has it going on at such an early age. Would love to watch her play a cover to 46 and 2 by Tool.

  116. hi sina again, i revised all the last messages here and there was another name in my account, sorry if it was me but i say that i’m looking forward from hearing you soon because you know that i’m making the possible to help you

    1. I’m a huge Carpenters fan, Karen was outstanding, not only as a drummer but blessed with one of the most beautiful voices any human could possibly have!

      1. Karen’s voice was angelic, and she’ll always be best remembered for that, but there have been female singers with beautiful voices since the dawn of time. Not so for female drum soloists. She blazed that trail. One of the movies about Karen’s life portrayed her mother saying “the drums are not my idea of an instrument suitable for a young lady.” Karen proved that the drums ARE suitable for young ladies. I hope that sometime during your career you’ll see fit to perform a tribute to Karen Carpenter–the drummer!

    2. Corker: the wonder of YouTube, and your comments, are not only that they entertain but
      that they inform and educate. Only recently did I “discover” that Karen not only played
      drums, but did so quite well.
      Sina (and Corker): your comments about Karen’s singing voice hit the nail on the head!
      At the risk of dating myself (I’m 63), as I said back then, and say to this day: Karen
      Carpenter’s singing SENDS ME! btw my favorite Carpenter tune is actually a cover:
      “Please, Mr. Postman” by the Marvelettes (1961), “…one of the 1st #1 singles recorded
      by an all-female vocal group, and the 1st by a Motown recording act” (Wikipedia).

  117. Any chance for a live concert the first two weeks of September? My wife and I will be in Köln visiting family… (Just a wish…)

  118. Greetings! Saw your outtakes and bloopers video few minutes ago, kinda wondering about is there some moments that made you histerical… I mean like a person who takes special gift fully deserved it or actually undestands own capability totally in professional progress. Also I’d like to admit an original voice of your drums masterly tuned. You’re trully laying a life on a line every day for a maximum result as a commitment due to opportunity you have. I wish you a very best of luck to make a name for yourself..!

  119. Hi Sina,
    I just saw the “Needed – a singer for an AC/DC tribute” video.
    – Whoever did the copywriting is VERY good! It’s humorous – succinct – and gets the point across extremely well.
    – I would think you’ll get a LOT of responses.
    – Well done!

  120. Hi Sina, I just wanted to let you know I received my order from you, and I am completely blown away. You are absolutely brilliant. You are an AMAZING top notch drummer , and can hold your own against ANY of the greats. The CD is totally wonderful, with all 15 tracks being equally incredible and enjoyable. An accomplishment that not even most of the top bands in the world can always achieve, and for you to be able to do this on your debut CD shows what an exceptionally talented artist you really are, and the way you shine the light on other artists makes you a total and complete class act. The USB card content is OUT OF THIS WORLD. Some of the content ( outtakes and behind the scenes in particular.) shows how truly hardworking and dedicated you are to mastering your craft. (which some people may not always realize simply because you always make playing drums look so easy.) Also, your willingness to try new and different things that may be out of your comfort zone. (different instruments, singing, etc. ) also shows your excellent work ethic. Thank you, as well for taking time out of your busy schedule to also send me a signed autograph card. Just one more thing I really enjoy your you tube channel and I love the direction you are heading with it, and I am always looking forward to what you are going to do next, and am never disappointed. THANK YOU, SINA. For all of your hard work, and everything you do, and keep up the STELLAR work.

    1. Oh wow, that sounds really nice, I love to hear that, Edmond! Really glad you enjoy the album and THANK YOU!!

  121. Hi Sina, not sure if you want to cover more recent songs but, if yes, I think “Anesthetize” from Porcupine Tree would definitely be a good challenge.

    Also, where should I buy your album to avoid letting most of the cost of the album go to intermediaries and instead going fully to you? You have it on your store but also say you have a new distribution channel through ebay to lower postage costs, so…

    Keep up the great work.

  122. Sina,
    Even after a hard day, watching a couple of your cover video’s always leaves me smiling! Thanks.

    Jay, Honolulu

  123. hi sina, i just known about the project that you have released one year ago, and it was great, but i don’t have the idea how can i get the CD

  124. Sina i have discovered you a couple months ago and look at your videos. As i am a drummer that played semi-pro for almost 25 years, i was inspired and delighted when i saw your drumming, you realy project it, a girl drummer is not usual an it is a asset for you. I like your choice of songs you picked up to play and i also listen to your original material witch is also good. For your age you are professional, i used to play in bars at the age of 18 years old covering classic rock, prog and originals. I don’t know how it is in europe to be able to make a career in music, but for shure you are in a good country and you must have good contacts as your father is in the business. I saw that you aren’t shure of realy what you want to live of in the future and you keep your mind open witch is right. Most of the famous musicians will tell you that it happened by surprise or hazard even if i do not believe in hazards. As long as you have fun doing it and you manage to maintain it that’s what counts. Keep on truckin’ and when i have a chance to encourage you by donation i will. Best regards, Martin.

      1. I love you even if it is entented that you can’t go with everyone. Keep on doing it right sexy, it’s important , keep inspiring me!

  125. Sina,
    I’ve been watching your videos for about 6 months, I love the music and videos. Your very talented! This song may fall more into your dads genre but what would you think about the Dixie Chicks – Sin Wagon? You play the drums and bass tracks and your dad plays the Banjo, guitar maybe the Mandolin tracks? I enjoyed watching the Wipe out video, you both are very talented. Just a thought, keep them coming.

  126. Hi Sina,
    happened to stumble into your channel. Within seconds I was entranced. It was beyond my imagination, that a young beautiful girl could perform that way and share my musical preferences by at least 95 percent. Needless to say that I’m a man in my prime (like many others). Exactly: 53. I enjoy end love the things you do and I love you. Please don’t misunderstand: I am aware and I do repect point 2 of your FAQs. 🙂 What I wanted to express is: Your are a sunshine in my live and in the lives of many others. I’m very grateful that your parents did a great job to pass their incredible talent and beauty to you and to nurture and enable you to become the self-confident, lighthearted and positive person you are. Lots of love from the wild south of Germany. Rock on!

    1. Oh, vielen lieben Dank, das höre ich aber gerne 🙂 und beste Grüße retour nach Bayern (?) in die grünen Streuobstwiesen!!

      1. Bayern ist auch toll. Aber die schönsten Streuobstwiesen liegen natürlich zwischen Pforzheim und Karlsruhe. 🙂

  127. Hi sina I’ve donated $25 for your costs. Any chance of you covering a rolling stones song called “nineteenth nervous breakdown if not then “fool to cry” or any of your choice.
    The cover of “go your own way” with your 2 colleagues jadyn and Andrei is awesome! and better than the original. My Brother has been a drummer for over 20 years for his local church. He’s seen all your work on youtube and said “sina puts me to shame, she is highly talented”

    1. Hi David, thanks so much, so nice!!! Regarding that Stones request – there is one issue with those kind of requests and it’s always the same issue: There are no drumless tracks available for Rolling Stones (the same is true for Led Zeppelin, Guns’n’Roses and many more), so I can’t do a drum cover. I could record those tracks from scratch and I could find people to play all the instruments but it always ends up with the singer not sounding like Mick Jagger, Axl Rose, Steven Tyler…. so that’s the reason why it’s close to impossible to fulfill those kind of requests, hope you understand!!!!

      1. Ahoj Sino
        Nenech se od nikoho stresovat nesplnitelnými požadavky. Lidi umí být někdy hodně nepříjemní. Hodně zdaru, radosti, štěstí a pevných nervů, budeš to potředovat. Jsi moc krásná, a upřímná ať ti to hraje takhle skvěle dál. David K.

        1. Hi Sina
          Don’t let anyone stress you out with impossible demands. People can be very annoying sometimes. Good luck, joy, happiness and strong nerves, you’ll get through it. You are very beautiful and honest, keep up the good work. David K.

  128. Hi Sina!. I am Anibal, from Perú. I enjoy your work, is really fantastic and moving. I commented in your video “Black Betty” cover and put you some songs that you can play it. Now I am remembering some more, I hope you like them!! : Hoodoo Gurus – I want you back; OMD – This is Helena, Tesla girls, Radio waves; China Crisis – Wishful thinking; U2 – A day without me, New year’s day; Berlin – The Metro, like flames; B Movie – Remembrance day, nowhere girls; House of love- Shining on; The damned – alone again or, Smash it up ; Depeche mode – Photographic ; Simple minds – Oh Jungleland; Alphaville – Ariana, Dance with me; Sly Fox – let’s go all the way; A-ha – Take on me.
    I am architect and artist and apreciatte your art. You can see my videos too in my youtube channel.
    Best wishes for you!! bye!

  129. Guten Abend Sina, 🙂
    Your huge talent must make you go through the night of the proms “Antwerp” in Belgium. Your manager should inquire. You are great, very talented in percussion & Songs; and wish you a future full of good things. Big kisses to you. Emmanuel Vanamen

  130. Hi Sina
    I´m a fan of your work, I love the way you play all your covers. I´m from Bolivia in South America. Congratulations keep working like that!

  131. Hi Sina, ich bin ein 66-jähriger Drummer Fanatiker (Lieblingsstück: In A Gadda Da Vida von Iron Butterfly) und auf der Suche nach Neuem bin ich auf deinem Youtube-Kanal gelandet. Muss schon sagen: DU hast Talent! Donnerwetter, alle Achtung. Damit kannst du DIE Karriere machen wenn das dein Ziel sein sollte. Dazu wünsche ich jedenfalls alles Gute und unendlich viel Erfolg. Die Videos sind übrigens auch tontechnisch erste Wahl, ich spiele solche Videos hier über eine HighEnd Anlage ab, da kann man das sehr gut beurteilen. Super! Im Shop hab ich mal deinen USB-Stick bestellt, bin ich echt mal gespannt drauf. Mach weiter so! Lieben Gruß vom Niederrhein.

  132. Fantastic. Unbelievable. Phenomenal. The English language is just inadequate to describe your talent. By age 14, you’virtually mastered the drums, a very difficult instrument. I”ve watched your You Tube performances over and over because I just can’t believe what I”m seeing and hearing.

    Question: Occasionally, a sweet little smile crosses your lips when you’re playing…
    does your smile mean you think you’ve made a mistake? I couldn’t hear any mistakes!! THANK YOU for sharing your talent with the world!!

  133. Been a fan for a while now and particularly like the collaborations. Black Velvet is a once a week listen!

    Can I request a Joe Bonamassa cover? His ‘Last Kiss’ from the 2013 Albert Hall concert is crying out for you, Andrei and Victoria K to give it you special treatment.

    And I’m pretty sure that the mix will be at Kevin Shirley standards. (I have done a bit of mixing in my time)

  134. Hello! The fancy queen screen was tricky and made me think that there can be more mischievous content. This is an official request to the whole family – why don’t you people make a brand new game and call it, for example, “Owl treat”(What do owls in mind?) Of course i need to explain my idea so here are the basics:
    1. You allowing registration for the players on this website.
    2. You creating special page as a video session or live stream format.
    3. You compiling some things beetwen themselves like riddle, rebus or puzzle clause.
    4. You portraying some suggestions or things of you’re own and asking audience to guess or predict to whom it may refer.
    5. You connecting your attitude with those who’ll be participate and combine all of the assumptions together.
    6. You accounting for the best “owl treaters”(eg top 10) and reward them with something.
    The essence of this game is that people who support you will be more in contact and aware of your peculiarity, tendency, characteristics, habits, etc. On my opinion it will be more inviting and pleasant than a regular Q and A. Obviously it’s more challenging but nevertheless producting. Keep it sincere!

  135. I am finding you by accident looking through YouTube videos. I do like your covers but don’t give up on the originals.
    I am now one of your sponsors. Not a really really rich one, (that was funny), hopefully I’ll jump to that level soon.
    Ok, I’m going back to giving you more views and a few Facebook shares. “You Rock!”

  136. Hi Sina.
    Love your performance. Love your attitude and entusiasme.
    Fewer young people dedicate them self to playing an instrument these days.
    You shine as a beacon of inspiration to other to pick up an instrument and strive to be their best.

    Darf ich einen Vorschlag machen?
    Wie wäre es mal mit “Feuer frei” von Rammstein zu vehrsuchen? oder einer ihrer anderen Titeln.

    It may not be the most challenging but it packs a good punch.
    It might also expose you to a different audience.

    Keep up the good work!!
    You’re a star.


  137. You are a bless. Besides your unbeliavible performances, its so great to see the variation of the songs that you play. It shows the great knowledge that you have not only about rock n roll, but music in general . I would love to see you playing something from Emerson, Lake and Palmer (Like Karm Evil 9!!!), Grand Funk Railroad ( WE’RE AN AMERICAN BAAND), or more about John Bonham… But that’s up to you, of course xD

  138. I have checked your site and i’ve found some duplicate content,
    that’s why you don’t rank high in google,
    but there is a tool that can help you to create 100% unique content, search
    for; Boorfe’s tips unlimited content

  139. You are awesome Sina, so are your collaborators. I thought I was done with classic rock, you have renewed my interst. Very very good drumming, you’re immensely talented. I would donate $10,000 if I could. Keep up the great content.


  140. Will be on a business trip …

    Lend to Toto, Pink Floyd, The Doobie Brothers .. (or other Band)

    Temporary drummer (sina-drum)

  141. Thanks to people like this young lady music is safe from destruction in this plastic age, full of trash sounds. Thank you Sina, I’m your fan, keep it up 🙂 .

  142. you’re so talented. would love to hear you cover ‘good times, bad times’by led zeppelin. i think you would do it really well. many people have tried to cover it on youtube but i think you would do it better than them. keep up the good work!

  143. Dear Sina, I am one of your sponsors, I to am a drummer since 1966. I love listening to your drum covers, you have a lot of excellent musicians and singers collaborating with you, as I have said in the past I participated in high school band and orchestra both on drums and typani(kettle drums) . l study your technique and style. I think you have an unlimited talent on the drums and multiple instruments. This is a very rare quality Props to everyone especially your family and especially your father for providing you with the means and equipment to pursue your ( dream ) in music. Never give up you are a budding musical legend, I look forward to hearing much much more to come in the future.Yours very sincerely a fellow drummer. Phil DeCarlo.

  144. Sina, I was checking out the Ventures, and saw you. Absolutely beautiful. Its an effective way how to express yourself. It looks like fun, too.

  145. dear sina
    i always enjoy with your drum covers and also i know the dedication that you put in every song. it is important and every time i remember your collaborations with another artists from all the world. i was a little demanding when i asked you to play some guns n roses also i know that it is too long i write this message here because i know that you don’t have time to respond messages in your facebook account, now i know that you’re studying at university and also i send my best regards to you. in effect i wish you a merry christmas and a happy new year, it’s too earlier but i send my greetings. blessings
    jorge luis

  146. Hi Sina,

    Merry Christmas and a happy and successful New Year to you, your family and all of your musical colleagues.


  147. I see you are wearing headgear while drumming and wondered if it provides music input and/or sufficient hearing protection. Drumming by nature creates high decibel impulses but its repetitive nature would qualify it as “continuous” when averaged out, so there are both types of exposure to evaluate. Have you ever measured the dB at face level and looked at the NRR (noise reduction rating) of the headgear?
    Sorry if it’s a bit technical. (I’m a consumer product toxicologist, but not associated with Cooper Safety.) A number of my aging musician friends are now wearing hearing aids as a result of playing in bands at younger ages when hearing protection was not stylish.

    I’m really enjoying your classic rock covers and am impressed with your spot on ability to emulate multiple styles. It would be nice to collect many of them into a road trip playlist since these are tracks I would want along when I need a boost on long drives. That reminds me of what Kraftwerk was aiming for with ‘Autobahn’ .

    Fröhliche Weihnachten!

  148. Hello Sina,

    I first noticed a few weeks ago your youtube videos that I subsequently spent several nights watching. Naturally, just like all your fans have previously remarked, I too am amazed at your highly proficient drumming ability, and clearly, God has blessed you with tremendously natural artistic abilities. Likewise, the dedication and hard work you must have already exerted in your endeavors shows in the quality of your performances, and I so look forward to discovering the enormity of your diverse drumming skills as I watch more of your videos. In the meantime, I’ve enjoyed listening to your drum work with classic songs, and thus have a request to make. Would you please do a drum cover for 2 of my favorite ’70s pop/rock songs? I would really love to hear your rendition of these short tunes.

    First song… “My Maria” by B.W. Stevenson
    Drummer ~ Jim Gordon

    Second song… “Old Days” by Chicago
    Drummer ~ Danny Seraphine

    Thanks Sina!

    And no worries if you reject my requests. I know you’re surely busy, so I understand, okay.

    Take care and
    God bless You!

  149. Hi Sina,

    have just seen you cover Sultans Of Swing on YouTube! It’s half a century ago now that I played in a schoolband (I wasn’t the drummer!) and in the decades thereafter my interest in rock music has been dwindling more and more – and yet, the young drummer in the video I had stumbled upon, really impressed me so much that I had to come to your webpage. Well, you’re not just talented, you have a lot of skills and drive and are serious about your music. Keep going your way!

    BTW, we are neighbors insofar as I live in Germany near by Venlo too. (Maybe one day I’ll see you play with a group on the Zomerparkfeest they have there in August every year)

    I find also your skills in the English language astonishing. May I ask you where you’ve got them from?

    Best wishes to you!

  150. Believe me…. I’m going to do my darndest to try and get a set of used, signed drumsticks…but I never get lucky enough to find them available on here ….,but, I always say “ never give up”…. lol…. keep up the great work, Sina!

  151. I can’t believe how well you play. Your camera shots around you is great also. If I could suggest some drum covers for you to play. With you finding other young musicians is really great also. I just wanted to break the ice let’s say.

  152. Guten tag , Sina I have been keeping my eye on you .. you have been blessed by an angel , anyway , I have never asked a person to play something special , you are going to be the first , but it’s up to you , because I know your loaded down with requests … now when I saw you play (( in a gotta da veta )) I said to my self wait a second if she can play that , some thing came to mind , back in the early 70’s there was a group called “” Rare Earth “” and the cut they did was called (( get ready )) … Now thru my years I have never seen no body come close to it ! Now I don’t know if you ever heard it before ? If not try to listen to it all the way thru .. And I well tell you this , if it shows up on U-TUBE ? I am going back to church … (( Stay cool kid )) >>> DENNIS <<<

  153. Hello Sina (from Normandy France) !
    I discovered your fantastic cover of “sound of silence” with Jadyn Rilee.
    Absolutely awesome !!!
    Also I listen to your songbook again and again with so much fun !
    You and your partners are young, talented and super cool, I’m definitely a fan !

    You are real passionate, so “go your own way” and only break the sound of silence with your magic drums !

    Oh, I would love a personal cover of Cranberries “Zombie” , it would be a great tribute to Dolores, don’t you think !!

    Bis bald auf Sina-Drums Kanal

    ps : congratulations for Chi Might Project ! Do you know that Chi in the Far East means ENERGY !! 😉

  154. after enjoying watching your You Tube videos, I was disappointed hearing your new “band”. They are probably trying to ride your coat tails to fame. I better name for them would be “Sux”, as in these guys’ music sucks. You have proven you can do a lot better. Good Luck with that. 🙂

    1. Oh, Ronald! Would you suggest your own interpretation of how it should be arranged or composed by giving a link where you mastering music to a genius level? I doubt that you even tried to compouse some parts or can play an actual instrument, because if you did try a little, you would know no good or bad in music. It’s about feeling a destination and aware of capability. As a listener you have no right to label a material you’re not related with. So your accusations are irrelevant.

  155. Hi Sina,

    Love your work.

    Have you ever considered covering the Hawaii Five-O them originally by the Ventures?


  156. BIEN…..realmente eres una bella chica con un talento igual de bello ….BIEN … por el apoyo incondicional de tu padre……….EXITOS.

  157. Sina, your “Tubular Bells” video is nothing short of stunning. Your thoughtfulness and sensitivity to the music shows your true talent. I urge everyone to watch this video in order to appreciate your true love of music. You let the music shine through. That is your true talent.

  158. Sina, je t’ai découverte il y a 4 mois avec Sultans of swing, et j’ai cru rêver, alors j’ai écouté en boucle et j’ai continué à rêver! Je n’aime pas spécialement la batterie, mais là j’ai vraiment eu une révélation. Aucune erreur, alors comment ne pas aimer la batterie lorsqu’elle est faite par une si jolie fille qui a une présence incroyable et qui fait corps avec sa musique et ses instruments. Ta coiffure est un plus et elle va bien avec ta musique! Tu sais quand les batteurs qui font beaucoup de bruits on ne peut rien comprendre, la musique n’a plus d’attraits, c’est une fête foraine! Avec toi c’est une musique douce et équilibrée avec laquelle on s’endormir. Je t’aime et je pense que beaucoup vont aimer ta musique. Un jour peut-être que dans le ciel je pourrais continuer à t’admirer et écouter ta jolie musique!

  159. Sina,

    I wish all the success in the world for you. I was impressed by the quality of his work, keep it up and here in Brazil we breathe a lot of music and I would like to see you too in the Brazilian bossa nova, already tried. A big hug and health for you and your whole family and thank you very much.

    Eugenio Sidney

  160. Hi Sina, I put most of my comments on your YouTube channel and on Patreon, but I wanted just to comment here that your drumming has really matured and your ability to play almost anything puts you in the very top echelon of musicians. It’s great that you have a musical family however without determination and focus you would not have got this far and I’m sure you have so much further to go.

    It would be good if there were links somewhere on each of YouTube, Patreon and this website to enable your fans to find the other sites.

    1. I am assuming that Accept was a little over the top . I did not mean for Sina to play it , it was just for that other guy . so I apologize . But it is a good jam … Es tut mir leid (( hope I said that right ))…

  161. Stunning and beyond stunning. Your are so incredibly talented. I cannot fathom where you find the time to do all the practicing needed for all your videos. It shows a dedication that most people would not muster. But what is even more important than your talent is the fact that you are obviously a down to earth, salt of the earth type of person. Kudos to your parents. I also like that you are not mugging for the camera all the time like most you-tubers do. You are more into your music than you are into yourself and your professionalism rises to the top. I love your sense of humor.
    I am almost 70 years old. You and your incredible collaboration friends have reawakened an interest in good music that has been dead for the last 30 years. For that I truly thank you all. You are going to be a success at what ever you do in life because you are strong. Combine that strength with a good sense of humor and respect of others and you will be unstoppable at whatever you put your mind to. That doesn’t mean that you need to be a workaholic. As the saying goes you have to allow yourself the time to stop and smell the roses that life offers. Ok, I.ll shut up now. Stay true to yourself.
    Ian / Canada

    1. Ian that was very nice of you to say such kind words … she’s more than talented she cares about music … which I believe is a international language in it self …

  162. Hi Sina, I’m an enthusiastic fan of yours and try to share your work with other music lovers I know. I just wanted to say I LOVED your cover of Toto’s Rosanna! Awesome job with that. I’m far from being a drummer but I do understand that the timing is difficult with that song, which makes it that much more interesting to see performed. Growing up and hearing that song on the radio always made me wish to SEE it played to make it that much more enjoyable. Thanks again for sharing with us out here. Maybe you don’t like requests, but could you maybe show us some Steely Dan?

  163. Hi Sina,
    thanks a lot for your drum covers. Watching and listening to them helped me a lot. Nice smile!
    It would be great if you´d like to do a drum cover of Fiction Factory – (Feels Like) Heaven.
    Keep on going your way.

  164. BRILLIANT! i can’t remember the last time I’ve been so pleased to be completely wrong! I thought your drum covers demonstrated your enormous virtuosity – your dad’s (or SOMEbody’s) production talent and creativity – were musically exciting and entertaining and were a financial Black Hole. Boy, was EYE wrong!
    You’ve figured out a way to leverage Sina’s huge popularity into a consistent revenue stream by only yielding the songwriters’ royalties to the copyright holders – and keeping the PERFORMERS’ royalties for distribution to the actual performers (the kids who actually have the talent). I just listened to Ina Gaddada (sp?) Vida and the Sultans of Swing corraboration. They were GREAT! and I LOVE ‘Barracuda”. You’ve discovered some amazing new talent – worldwide! And you’re giving them a forum on which to perform and hone their craft – while generating some publicity for them . . . not to mention some cash flow! I’m sure you’re helping them in other ways too. (Andre thanks SINADRUMS for your support on his videos – so you have to be doing SOMEthing to help him out.) You guys should fall asleep every night with a smile on your face – and sleep the sleep of the Good Guys – because you’re doing something REALLY terrific for people!
    Very best regards,
    Bob Matson

  165. Guten tag … Sina did you ever her David Bowie play “” Blue jean “” I forget the drummers name ? , if you would try it one day it will test your timing and accents … the extended dance mix ( 5: 28 min long ) …

  166. You put a smile on my face when ever I watch you play. I’m 64 years old. It’s amazing to hear you cover the music of my youth. I would sure like to hear you either cover or collaborate playing “Get Back” by the Beatles. I wish all good things for you in your life.

  167. All my life I wanted to learn to play the drums. I watched many drummers and envied their precision and movements. Though I had lots of excuses, the truth is I never had the courage to try. After watching your videos for several years I decided if a young girl could let her kit yell from the highest mountain on Earth (YouTube), then there was no reason I couldn’t try to lay down a beat in my own home. At 54 I recently bought my first drum kit and I’m having an absolute blast. I wish I had tried this decades ago. I have always loved music, and now I feel like I can be part of it just like it’s been a part of me. You’re not only an exceptional drummer, you’re an inspiration to people like me who never had the courage to express themselves through music. Thank you, thank you for your videos!! I wish for you tremendous success and happiness in all you pursue!

  168. Sina, I think you are absolotuly wonderful, I enjoy your u tube vidios , I am super empressed with how weel you do with so many insterments, and I love your rappers delite vidio, thank you for entertainning me.

  169. Would like to see what you can do with Modern English I’ll melt with you. This would seem in your range and that of the talented group your surrounded with. Someone posted Sniff and the Tears Driver’s Seat but the Drum part is way to weak for you in my opinion. I walked away from the business 1990 when it became techno ignorant and had not had any desire to write or play for decades until i fell upon your Roundabout cover, did a little digging, and uncovered more of your work.
    I’m going to follow you or a while and see just how you tolerate the lifestyle and the demands it puts on you and if you go the direction I think I see then it will become time for a serious conversation.
    Do continue and always beware of the pitfalls and rabbit holes that swallowed so many of my generations talent and I’m a product of the sixties.
    May all in your world be as you wish it, dream it, and live it!

    1. Wanna take the liberty to be the one who can provide courage in order to get a fair conclusion. Being convinced that Sina’s father controls the whole process of formation and what they have at emerge, it’s obvious that all of the negotiation stages should be conducted with him. Although miss Sina certainly has her own vision in consequence, it doesn’t mean that she ready to decide how tolerate it would be in the future. Already now there is a little misgiving about the way it should be evolve. So if there is a possibility to give the project an appropriate type at a proper direction, do not delay.

    1. What ? like Jimmy Dorsey , Kay Kyser , Duke Ellington , Benny Goodman , Tommy Dorsey .. etc …

  170. Hallo Sina,

    I really love to hear and see you playing. Especially because I like almost all the songs (original and cover) you played so far. Please keep up with that awesome work. I wonder if there is a chance that you’ll do a drum cover on “The Ballroom Blitz” by The Sweet. There is a drumless version of this great track out there and I’m sure you will make it even greater.
    Heroes del Silencios “entre dos tierras” would be also a nice track for a drum cover.

    Alles Gute für dich!

  171. I really enjoy your drumming! My kids both play cello and I noodle around on the hammered dulcimer, could really use a drummer like you. Not sure if you are looking for more material to cover, because your original art is really developing beautifully. However, if you are, I suggest Lenny Kravitz’ “Are you gonna go my way” His gravelly voice sets the tone, but I have always felt that the drums drive the song. Check it out and see what you think.
    Keep on rockin!!

  172. Never mind, I just found your version of the “Are you gonna go my way” that you did two years ago. Sorry bout that. But thanks very much for covering it, you did great!

  173. I have spent more than five decades listening to all types of music, with a special fondness for rock. I discovered your YouTube channel about a month ago and I’m already a big fan. Keep up the good work!
    Connecticut, USA

  174. Knowing that Sina involved with the authentic group like Big Band gives me lot of positive emotes. Despite unprofessional status these meetings, especially when an actual instruments can be engage, allow to get a proper sense of spiritual preeminence. Behind each great musical occurence always stands a genuine person who provides an adequate appearance. To find such people is a pure luck and to be one of them is a real gift.

  175. Greetings from Stockholm Sweden our Super-Sina!
    I just wanted to tell you how much Ive enjoyed your cover of Burn that was one of your very best cover and you where really on fire behind your kit.

    Looking forward to buying Chi-Might 2 in october.

    Happy midsummer to you and all your family !

  176. Hello Sina or Mike or anybody else who are incharge. Could you please ban Kaveh Naji Parsaeian. He spams a lot of creepy comments at almost everyone of your videos. I feel sorry for you that you must put up a lot of crap from creepy wierdos like him and outers!

    Tomorrow afternoon it’s offically friday when our Super- Sina present a new cover!

    Have a great weekend.

  177. hey sina, how are you?, well, in this time that you would release your second album, i’m expecting to see. i supposed you will make your covers, can you release again if it is no problem still of the night of whitesnake, i really liked

  178. My relaxing time is spent watching music videos. Music without the visual context is less appealing to me than watching live performances and videos of performances. Seldom when I watch music being played, my focus is on the singers, guitars, keyboards or other instruments that are dominate in the scene. I seldom even notice the drummer unless the camera pans to him or her and that is usually a brief shot. I discovered your cover of “Sultans of Swing” by accident and was blown away. To watch a total piece of music where only the drummer is seen was a new and astonishing experience. That you are extremely talented was just the icing on the cake. Your drum covers has given me an appreciation of drummers I never had. Thank you so much for opening a whole new musical experience for me.
    Jerry in Texas

  179. Hi Sina, JC from Canada here. Love your covers and the Chi-Might collaborative concept and songs. Good to see and hear an innovative approach to making an album! Your site and YT channel are great, and are so accessible in English. (I cannot believe how proficient you are in the language.). But I checked out The Gaes site and ironically, though the headings and the songs are in English, the content isn’t. I suggest the band develop an English version of the site. Thanks!

  180. Hi Sina, Saw you by accident just yesterday. I’m still listening to all of your covers, so many & it’s awesome! Really enjoying your talent and when I finish will be waiting for more.

    Oh and I have a song for you to do if/when you want, it’s SOUTHERN CROSS – Crosby, Stills & Nash
    You never miss a beat, Sincerely, Rod

  181. Just found you a week ago… can’t stop listening to you R&R covers. I love them! Thank you.
    And now I’ve started exploring your new stuff and Chi Might…
    You keep doing it, I’ll keep watching.

  182. Nothing is better on the far sight to conceive and perceive patiently. Chi Might 2 is getting over and a project not even close to outdo the first one. By all means, no disappointment. Just a bit untoward with. You guys doing what you can and with the help of those who responds. If there’s anyone to blame it’ll be standard to outclass the previous. There’s only hope that the second chapter will outbid the first, but it’s nothing to do with music of course. Anyway, you still have unity among each other and community still growing, so hopefully label lady would fly up and will soar until the end of times.

      1. I prefer more to see than hear. Try to forget what you have heard by closing you ears and open your eyes to understand what I’m talking about.

  183. You’ve made a mistake by using your hands to even start this conversation. I doubt that you can do something except dig in one’s heels…

  184. u sound great keep up the good work the hard work im a little old school so i love to hear younger people playing the older tunes perferably 80s stuff like for example ‘your love by the outfield / & ‘ crusader by saxon / that would be a great tune / queensryche , warning & take hold of the flame/ how about the boys in the bright white sports car by trooper & tom cat prowl by doug & the slugs,, i got a million of them on my mind cant list them all but keep it up kid

  185. Bravo Sina !

    Made me happy to listen to You.
    I am 53 and listen to You makes me beeing optimistic again.

    Best regards from Zagreb !

  186. Just discovered you by chance and first listened to your cover of
    In-A-Gadda-Da-Vida….WOW!! I am from that era and the song is one of my favorites. Then I listened to a couple more of your covers and now I’m hooked. You are so talented at such a young age. I know how hard you must work but it also seems to come natural for you. Keep it up!!

  187. hi sina ,love your drumming skills very impressed you have it down your sis is very good too she is funny in a good way when you both play any rock covers or hits from eighties would love that keep up.

  188. Sina, love your music & watching you play, along with all your collaborators. Great stuff. I’m sure everyone has suggestions for you, so I’ll add mine to the list.
    1- Have you tried doing anything by INXS, e.g., Disappear, and Suicide Blonde?
    2- Or maybe Jefferson Airplane’s Somebody to Love, with Victoria K?
    3- Or to go a different direction, Watermelon Man, by Herbie Hancock (also by Mongo Santamaria, and another version by Poncho Sanchez–actually my favorite, but they’re all fantastic.)
    4- And for fun, check out Mongo Santamaria’s Cold Sweat.
    Just some suggestions for your spare time 🙂

    My favorite playlist of yours right now: Sounds of Silence w/Jadyn; Stairway to Heaven w/Jadyn; Barracuda w/Victoria K; Honky Tonk Women w/Milena; Black Betty; Billie Jean w/Milena.
    A lot more I haven’t gotten to yet, but eventually….
    Just listened to your cover of 25 or 6 to 4; another excellent performance!
    Keep up the great music. Thank you.

  189. Hi Sina, this night i’ve bought Chi Might II, which I was waiting for so long. Now, at half past 4 in the morning, I’ve heard it for the fourth or fifth time. Every time it would be better than before. But, the top track – at last for me – is “Ages Of A Man”. I wish I could give you – and of course to all of the other artists – 6 stars! This album is an excellent piece of music! 100 years later, people will say: Ah, that’s Sina!! With ABBA, I want to say “Thank you for the music”! I’m 60 years old.

  190. Really like “real music” by Pomplamoose, Laura Cox, Mary Spender, etc, and of course Sina Drums.
    As for loops, have you seen Elise Trouw ??

  191. Really like see you playing the drums……. especially since I graduated in 1975 and 90% of the songs you drum over are my favorites. Especially since I get to watch and hear the drummer ( I have really nice headphones)

    So it’s way better than watching the whole band play and you really don’t get to see the drummer and how truly talented you are. Thank You

    I have three requests that I haven’t seen you do and they are …..

    #1 AC/DC You shock me all night long

    #2 Sweet Fox on the run

    #3 Joan Jett & The Blackhearts – I Hate Myself for Loving You

    Thanks again for all the songs and for being a very mature musician



    P. S. I will try working on $$ contributions

  192. Where/how are you able to get copies of the great classic rocks songs you cover with the drum tracks removed? I was a drummer many years ago (MANY!), and I grew up with the bands and songs you cover. Watching you play is motivating me to get back into it while I still can.

  193. Wow: I’m 68 years old. I grew up with the Beatles. I’ve been so fortunate to have had the experience of Motown, the British invasion, American music from the 50’s, 60’s, 70’s and on. And on and on and on, lol… Sorry. But the music that always comes back to me because it was so uniquely rich and diverse is the Beatles. They still stand the test of time today, just as they did when I was 14 years old. Sina, your tribute to the Beatles and your nod to Ringo in particular, from someone your age, warms my well worn heart. You nailed it. Good work. Best of luck in the all of your future endeavors. Never give up. Not that you look like you would. Bravo!

  194. You are going to get support from myself to you since I know what the cost of great equipment cost and up keep of that equipment! You don’t use crappy drums yours are the best that can be purchased and you have several sets net new skins from time to time from the usage you place them thru.

    You are 1 female that I will say that can and will make as not a good but a great performer in the world of music and that’s something I have been hooked on ever since I was born 61 years ago listening and singing along with the singers like Johnny Horton who was 1 that I started with just 2 years old with the Battle of New Orleans .That song haunted me for years until I was about 6 when my sister told me I sang that along with Horton when I would hear it playing on the radio.

    You play a lot of the greats from the 60’s that I grew up listening to and some still rocked on right thru to the 90’s still playing like never before some with new hits up to that time or the 80’s.I remember when Jefferson Starship was Jefferson Airplane and listen to them,Kinks,Eric Clapton(whom played with many different groups not just as musician but also singer or backup singer),Elton John (Reginald Kenneth Dwight real name),even Tommie James ( who had a money laundry label record company he produced his recordings on,yes they did put money thru so it would be what they call ligit and that is true,,lookup Roulette as he wrote a book and told the story plus he was born not far from where I live,just like John “Cougar” Mellencamp close by also), Bob Seger ( and The Decibels ,Bob Seger System ,The Town Criers from early 60’s before he gained popularity with The Silver Bullet group he put together,and supposedly played for and sang with Doug Brown & The Omens) and I could go on from all I remember from my early years of following groups and just like Elvis Presley who could legally carry a handgun where ever he went because he was actually a Deputy Sheriff of Memphis so he was allowed to and many don’t know that!

    My head is so full of groups and songs and I have so many titles and recordings of groups that I cant get them all on a drive for it would take weeks but I do have an album I wish I could get to you that’s been played over thousands of times and 1 of my favorites on the Apple Label so I don’t have to tell you who that is and it does have a value. I have many old vinyl records as well as the old time 8 tracks which I still have 1 that plays them and some of the 8 track tapes have to be fixed which I happen to get good and I mean very good at repairing them! I don’t think many still have any that play or an 8 track player like my Craig I use on a Sony system.

    You keep on beating those skins and become the artist you want with looks,feel,need,desire,and the want to be the best you can by doing what you do best and stay clean ,don’t change your appearance as you are 1 sharp little gal that loves her All Star Con’s or bare feet to hit that bass beat! I have to say I idolize you at what you do at your age and hope it leads you to a career that can be 1 that many will want you to perform with them on stage! Or even on an album recording!

    Go for that dream and make it come true young lady you deserve it with all the hard work you have placed in the meaning of performing thus far with many people liking your style which isn’t really a copy of others its yours and you are the controller of those drums and cheap low quality drum stick will last two to four weeks where as quality drumsticks last two or three years depending on the use!

    Keep up your perfection!

    Love ya little Gal!

  195. I think you’re one of the best drummers (male or female) out there. Your rendition of Wipe Out by the Surfaris was outrageously perfect.
    If possible, I’d like to hear your rendition of Kiss’s Rock N’ Roll All Night (And Party Every Day).
    It’s an anthem song — everyone knows it; most sing to it, even in the car…

  196. Hello Sina, I have become a follower of yours since i saw your drumming last year, there are a lot of others out there but you stuck out to me because i saw your passion and commitment, I live in Vancouver, British Columbia Canada I am Aboriginal\First Nations. I love my culture and the drumming we is hand drums. but the drums you play are great. I did buy into your site, I hope you start or get with a band you love. I see a great future for you.. lots of hugs and safe travels/

  197. Excellent music. Nice variety of genres (although none can be fit neatly in a box). The drums are fantastic as always. Good singers, but the gentleman from Romania and the lady from Japan (Lead guitar and bass) are absolutely amazing. You all belong together.

    Thanks for the music. It makes me feel good.

  198. Prossima erede di Phil Collins? Speriamo!
    E poi lavorare con Chester Thompson? Speriamo!!!

  199. Sina, God himself reached out and touched you specially. You bring back so many memories – as a teen I did the same…back in the 80’s.. I never pushed to be the best or even get into a band.. YOU have and you are on your way..if not there…! Do not let this industry mess with who you are and your talents. You have so much in life that is yours for the taking. I wish you all the best this life can offer.. God bless – Keep Pushing On…

  200. beste Sina , per toeval ben ik op uw muziek (drum) gestoten . Ik was opzoek noor goede drumsmuziek .
    Ik vind u geweldig drummen ; en zeker het geheimzinnig lachje bij bepaalde drumsfragtmenten bekoorde mij . Hieruit kunt ik afleiden hoeveel plezier u eraan heeft . Blijf zo verder doen .
    Ook de muziekkeuze bekoorde mij . De meeste zijn goede oude rocknummers .
    Probeer eens het nummer van BZN (nederland) : barber”s rock te beluisteren . Is uitgegeven rond 1975 ; is gitaar met zeer goede drumpartijen .
    Blijf zo verder spelen , en als u in de buurt bent kom ik zeker u eens live bewonderen . (belgie ; hasselt )

    gr louis

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  202. is it possible to “google” youtube for cover stuff without remarking your work ?

    well i think no – nice mix of music and i sometimes enjoy the talented job you did here. continue with this passion and i think you make many followers happy with this.

    from my point of view i hope that you some day will cover a song of one of the most remarkable guys mr. manfred mann with his famous earth band , bringing a lot of songs over decades. or did i miss a cover from you somewhere ? i am curious if this can be an inspiration! in my opinion he is the most creative keyboarder the world has seen 🙂 you must give a tribute too 😉

  203. Hi sina you are amazing!! I just discovered you on YouTube this week,and can’t stop watching, I grew up with all the music you play and you are unbelievable, keep up the great work, stay straight, don’t listen to anything ,or anyone negative ,YOU ROCK GIRL!! Stan from Maine

  204. Thank you so much for this fore-guard masterpiece! Downstream had definitely make me feel more advanced. Wish the whole album could provide the same aesthetic form…

  205. Hallo Sina
    Ich habe die letzten Stunden damit verbracht, Deine Covers anzuhören.
    Du bist fantastisch!!
    Ich bin seit über vierzig Jahren ein totaler Fan von Emerson,Lake and Palmer.
    Vor etwas über einem Jahr entdeckte ich Rachel Flowers. Sie ist in etwa so alt wie Du,
    seit ihrer Kindheit blind und spielt auf Orgel und Klavier Stücke von ELP so gut wie der
    Meister in seinen besten Zeiten. Ihr fehlt leider ein Schlagzeuger. Wenn Du Stücke von ELP
    ohne Schlagzeug suchst, bist Du bei ihr richtig.
    Ihr beide zusammen auf einem Video – das wäre ein Traum.
    Das es junge Menschen wie euch gibt ist ein echter Lichtblick.
    Liebe Grüße aus Hamburg

  206. I feel blessed to find your music – you’re such a treasure! Much inspiration to everyone who’s involved.

  207. Just found your YouTube videos a few weeks ago: amazing, and so fun to watch! I’d love to see you play “Forever Yellow Skies” by The Cranberries.

  208. Hi Sina,
    I am a guitarist in a local band, but, I appreciate a good drummer as well. I have to say that I am SO impressed by you! I have watched pretty much all of your videos (many several times!). Whether I know the song, or not, you are incredible! Very good drummer. And beautiful too. You really have something here, Sina. Don’t stop! Great things are in store for you! I wish you all the best!! Thank you SO much for the music!!!


    1. Sina, first off let me say what an amazing drummer you are! You have a real passion for music. You are also a very beautiful young lady. Keep drumming, you will go far. Have you ever covered any of the Genesis or Phil Collins songs. I like the way he drums in a lot of the songs. Very unique. Keep up the great work!

  209. Hey Sina,
    Really been enjoying your videos and I’m really impressed w/ your musicianship & musical knowledge. ‘Specially impressed w/ your understanding of Ringo’s style & groove. Myself, I started playing drums in high school but it was the Beatles’ first appearance on The Ed Sullivan Show (which I’m sure you have viewed a few times) that made me realize that this was what I wanted to do for the rest of my life! …before that I wanted to be a cowboy when I grew up. I was watching alotta westerns on TV back then.
    Well that was 57 yrs ago and I’m still playin’!
    Here’s a couple of vids I’ve been a part of during my career……

    “Is That Love?” by Shawn O’Shea & The Backroom Boys (1988)'Shea+%26+The+Backroom+Boys

    “Hit The Road, Jack” by the heymacs (2015)

    Oh yeah, just before I go….was wonderin’ what happened to the kik & cymbals tracks on your Whitesnake /”Here I Go Again” vid I just watched on YouTube?

    C ya! … safe.

  210. You got Talent!
    May I ask if you “wanna” (i not using can because its oblivious you can ) play “115” (a metal song used in a videogame) there is one guy named Christian Grey that covered it with a very strong voice, i can buy that song at any price 😉 And i can die happily after that!

  211. Did not know you were 17 at that time. Totally cool. I knew you’d hit the big time. Thanks for showing many that the younger generation got skills and I can imagine the success you’ll get when your my age. Rock on SINA.


    Robert G Ortega aka DINO (Senior)

  212. Like to watch all Drummers. Sina’s My Fave(I usually reserve that word) & Teaches/Instructs in a very understandable way. Hope She doesn’t go into Overload. My Silicone chip fryed long ago.

  213. I would so much love to see you cover some Journey songs created before the Steve Perry-era, like “Of a Lifetime” or “In my lonely feeling” or even “Kohoutek”.

    I been nailed to the screen looking at some of your covers, makes me smile, and remember when I was (a lot) younger…. memories…. You go girl, talented with a drive, I am flabbergasted and amazed, and you make me believe in your generation !!!

  214. Hallo Sina. Ich hätte nicht gedacht, das mich mit meinen 54 Jahren noch etwas überraschen und begeistern kann. Dir ist es gelungen. Ich habe dich eigentlich nur durch Zufall gefunden und gedacht: “Sie ist gut, aber Eine unter Vielen.” Weit gefehlt. Als ich dann “Black Betty” und “Roll with the chances” von “REO-Speedwagon” gesehen habe, habe ich dich weiterverfolgt. Nach “Scarborough Fair” war bei mir der Bann entgültig gebrochen und mir bleib nichts Anderes mehr übrig, als dich bei Patreon als Patron zu unterstützen. Wegen deiner Musik und deinem Engagement, andere junge Musiker zu unterstützen. Mittlerweile gehört es fast zu meinen täglichen Ritualen, mir zwei oder drei Videos von dir “reinzuziehen”.

    Mach weiter so und vielleicht sieht man dich auch mal auf den “ganz großen Bühnen”. Verdient hättest du die Chance dazu auf jeden Fall.

  215. Ausgezeichneter Schlagzeuger. Wenn sie sich jetzt nur kleiden könnte, lernen, sich ein bisschen besser zu kleiden und nur ein wenig Showeinlage hinzufügen, würde sie hier wirklich etwas los sein. Lassen Sie sich von Charlie Watts inspirieren!

    1. Ja, Sina ist einfach Weltklasse. Und was die Kleidung angeht: In Vielen ihrer Videos kannst du sehen, dass sie ihre Kleidung der Zeit des jeweiligen Songs immer wieder mal anpasst. Zum Beispiel im Video mit “Sticky Hicky”mit einem Song von “Pink Floyd”. Im Allgemeinen ist das, was wir sehen, eben Sina. Sie ist so, wie sie eben ist. Wäre sie anders, wäre es nicht mehr Sina.

      Ich persönlich mag die Art, wie sie spielt und wie sie sich dabei gibt. Das ist Einer der Gründe, warum ich Patron wurde und hoffentlich noch seeeeehr lange bleibe ;).

      Im Video vom 11.09. sieht man aber auch die Arbeit, die dahinter steckt. Das grenzt ja fast an Schwerstarbeit. Ich bewundere es, was man dabei alles im Kopf halten und umsetzen muss. Und ich glaube, das ist das Wichtigste, ihre Arbeit. Völlig egal, ob sie in Jeans/Shirt, oder Ballkleid spielt. Ist meine Meinung.

      Und Charlie Watts? Charlie Watts ist, oder leider war, wie er ist. Er war einzigartig, legendär, in Allem. Und genauso ist Sina, sie ist auf ihre Art einzigartig.

      Ich denke, sie sollte so bleiben, wie sie ist. Genau so und nicht anders mögen wir sie. 😉

  216. Hello Sina, Looking you playing drums a few minutes ago the first thing I thought was If I were a writer I would like to be like her playing. Thinking about this I guess we do not only like the good selection of energetic songs that you play or sing or those other that spread its magic groove, may be that extra is the force inside you. Receive a rose -‘-,-@, my applausses and blessings.

  217. Hi Good Evening Sina My Name Is Fritz Couwels I Find Your Drum Music Very Very Beautiful And You Are Too A Very Very Beautiful Drum Girl Can You Making A Drum Solo Video For Me From Yourself Please And Upload Than That Video On Your YouTube Channel For Me Fritz Couwels Please

  218. Hi Good Evening Sina My Name Is Fritz Couwels I Find Your Drum Music Very Very Beautiful And You Are Too A Very Very Beautiful Drum Girl Can You Making A Drum Solo Video For Me From Yourself Please And Upload Than That Video On Your YouTube Channel For Me Fritz Couwels Please

  219. Hallo goedenmorgen Sina Mijn naam is Fritz Couwels, ik vind je drummuziek heel erg mooi en je bent ook een heel erg mooie drummeid Kun je een drumsolo-video voor mij maken van jezelf en upload dan die video op je YouTube-kanaal voor mij Fritz Couwels alsjeblieft

  220. Just like to give you (Sina) a big American hello all the way from Memphis TN. My interest in you began when I saw your video of you drumming with Elvis song Polk Salad Annie. I must say awesome. I would like to hear you do BURNING LOVE maybe the VIVA ELVIS REMIX. Just like you to know that I have a German blood. My ancestors are from Bavaria Germany. My aunt was able to trace our roots all the way back to the middle 1800 about 1850. I believe there is a small hamlet in Bavaria named Tremmel. Are you nearby Bavaria. I feel a real connection with you and your family since you must like Elvis and we have German blood. Hope you are doing well.

  221. Love your stuff.. Some of my favorites I would like to see you cover or that you need to hear::
    A Quick One While He’s Away – The Who
    Cobwebs and Strange – The Who
    I Need You – The Who
    Toad – Cream
    Nantucket Sleigh-ride – Mountain
    Summertime Blues – Blue Cheer
    Phase Two: Für Elise & Moonlight Sonata – Vanilla Fudge
    No Title – 10 Years After
    Tell Mama – Savoy Brown
    Shine — Collective Soul live

  222. Słucham utworów granych przez Sinę. Znakomity repertuar. Dużo dobrej muzyki odwzorowanej z pietyzmem i wyczuciem oryginału. Nagrania własne na dobrym poziomie. Różnorodność gatunków, profesjonalne podejście do produkcji. Myślę,że Sina ma potencjał na światowy sukces w branży muzycznej.

  223. Dear Sina,
    If you have time, please listen to “Silver Machine” from HAWKWIND. I strongly believe that you might like to make a cover of this song.
    All the best, and thank you for good music.
    Mete GOKTAN

  224. Hello Sina,

    Love your vintage rock covers that I’ve listened to. I know you get a lot of requests but I would really like to see if Pretty Woman by Roy Orbison could be a project you might consider. There is a drumless version online if you like to hear it. It is a real Rock and Roll Classic and one of my favorites.

  225. You should check out Meadows from Joe Walsh’s Smoker You Drink album.
    That is one song from Joe where the drums make the song.
    The live versions I have heard never do justice to the importance of the drums in this song.
    And while the musical arrangement and lyrics are fantastic the drums are key.
    Every time I hear this song I can’t help but air drum to it.
    If you have not listened to it before you may want to and I suspect you will put it on your to do list.

  226. Hello Sina,
    I discovered a few weeks age (yes, I am late!) Just wanted to tel you that I like your channel very much, espescially your style, skills and generosity in giving us many songs covers, lectures for beginners, and I like the way that you invite other artists and produce great music.
    I have several questions, but I think you’re busy enough.
    Take care
    Roland, Nice, France

  227. Habe die Kraft und die Schönheit der Lieder und der Drummerin immer bewundert. Weiter so, bitte, immer weiter so. WO bitteschön, kann ich die CDs kaufen, die bisher bereits erschienen sind? Über eine kurze Antwort freue ich mich sehr.

  228. Hi Sina, you play a lot of the music of my youth. Of course, I am over 70 so the music of my time was the great rockers of the sixties. There is one group that I don’t believe you have played. These are the “Young Rascals” or the Rascals. There is one album of theirs which is my favorite. It’s called “Collections” and the drummer, Dino Danelli is featured on the song “Mickey’s Monkey” where he plays a tremendous drum set. I hope you check them out and add them to your repertoire. Anyway, I am of fan of what you re doing and I wish you all the best.

  229. Hello Sina,
    I’m a producer and presenter of music programmes on hospital radio. We provide a radio service especially for patients in hospital who often don’t get any visitors, so we go and speak to them and play music to help them feel better and get well quickly. All hospital radio stations are run as charities, staffed entirely by volunteers who give up their free time to help others.
    I’d like to ask your permission to use your recordings in my programmes, which are shared with various hospital radio stations throughout the United Kingdom.
    Thank you

  230. Have you considered covering “Edge of a Broken Heart” by Vixen? I recommend you do, but Roxi P is a tough act to follow!
    I’m biased – Vixen is the first all female heavy metal band to originate in my area (Mpls/StPaul area of Minnesota).

  231. Hi Sina. It was with great sadness that I recently had to discontinue my very modest Patreon support. Times have been tough, and I had to cut expenditures everywhere I could. Nevertheless, I have been very proud of my small vote of support for you over the last few years. Just so you know, still not a day goes by without enjoying your YT videos. The pinnacle of that enjoyment came with your video “The House of the Rising Sun”. It is my all time favourite song. You all did an amazing job. For me it ranks up there with your “Tubular Bells” video for nostalgic reasons.
    I will forever be a fan of your music, your dedication, and your uplifting humanity. I hope this comment finds you.
    All the best forever.

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  234. I think that what you said was actually very logical.
    However, think about this, suppose you were to create a awesome headline?
    I mean, I don’t want to tell you how to run your website, but what if you added a title to possibly get a person’s attention? I
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